
Form ID 0x002C5557
Editor ID Skill_Botany
Category Science
Skill Tier Advanced
Rank Stats
  • Rank 1 - Get more common and uncommon organic resource from plants, learn additional info about them from the scanner, and allows some plants to be cultivated at your outposts.
  • Rank 2 - Get more rare organic resources from plants, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner.
  • Rank 3 - Get more exotic organic resources from plants, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner.
  • Rank 4 - Occasionally harvest additional rare resources from plants, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner.
Rank Challenges
  • Rank 1 Challenge Progress - Spend a total of 4 Skill Points in the Science tree.
  • Rank 2 Challenge Progress - Harvest 20 organic resources from plants.
  • Rank 3 Challenge Progress - Harvest 50 organic resources from plants.
  • Rank 4 Challenge Progress - Harvest 100 organic resources from plants.
Crew Stats
  • Rank 1 - The companion will occasionally give you biological crafting components.
The scientific study of flora, while important on Earth, become even more essential as humanity began exploring alien worlds.

Botany is an Advanced Science skill. Botany is unlocked by spending a total of 4 skill points in the Science skill tree.

Skill IncreasesEdit

The fastest way to quickly progress through the skill rank challenges would be to (?).

Detailed MechanicsEdit

For botany ranks 1-3, the actual effect is that you have a 50% chance to loot double the quantity of the specific organic resource you are harvesting.

For botany rank 4, you have two separately rolled 20% chances to loot a rare (rarity = 2) organic resource when gathering, and one 20% chance to loot an exotic (rarity = 3) organic resource when gathering. The resource chosen is completely random, and does not need to exist on the planet naturally.


These companions have ranks in this skill:

Sarah Morgan
Autumn MacMillan
