Starfield:Weight Lifting

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Weight Lifting[edit]

Weight Lifting
Form ID 0x002C59D9
Editor ID Skill_WeightLifting
Category Physical
Skill Tier Novice
Rank Stats
  • Rank 1 - Increase total carrying capacity by 10 kilograms.
  • Rank 2 - Increase total carrying capacity by 25 kilograms.
  • Rank 3 - Increase total carrying capacity by 50 kilograms.
  • Rank 4 - Increase total carrying capacity by 100 kilograms. Gain 50% resistance to stagger.
Rank Challenges
  • Rank 1 Requirement - None.
  • Rank 2 Challenge Progress - Sprint for 1,000 meters while at 75% or more of your maximum load capacity.
  • Rank 3 Challenge Progress - Sprint for 2,500 meters while at 75% or more of your maximum load capacity.
  • Rank 4 Challenge Progress - Sprint for 5,000 meters while at 75% or more of your maximum load capacity.
Crew Stats
  • Rank 1 - Increase the carrying capacity by a total of 15 kg.
  • Rank 2 - Increase the carrying capacity by a total of 30 kg.
  • Rank 3 - Increase the carrying capacity by a total of 60 kg.
Weight training can significantly increase one's ability to carry weapons and equipment, both in space and on the ground.
Weight Lifting

Weight Lifting is a Novice Physical skill.

Weight Lifting is automatically unlocked and can already be learned by using a skill point to learn it.

Weight Lifting increases your maximum encumbrance. The highest level also gives you resistance to stagger.


This skill is automatically learned with the following backgrounds:

Skill Increases[edit]

As the challenge describes, simply go near your maximum capacity, and sprint. Preferably do this in a large space when it will be easy to keep sprinting.

These skill challenges can potentially be increased concurrently with some other skills, such as the Fitness challenges.


These companions have ranks in this skill:

Adoring Fan
Mathis Castillo
