Starfield:Industrial Outposts

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Industrial Outpost is a kind of Place.

List of Industrial Outposts[edit]

Place City Planet System Description

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg 1-Of-A-Kind Salvage




An abandoned Freestar Militia military base converted into a salvage yard.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Abandoned Deimos Scrapyard



An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Abandoned Fuel Depot



An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Abandoned Hangar



A large industrial point of interest filled with hostiles.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Abandoned Maintenance Bay



An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Abandoned Manufacturing Plant



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Abandoned Mineral Refinery



An Abandoned Outpost with an underground Helium-3 Extraction Site.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Abandoned Pipeline Terminus



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Autonomous Dogstar Factory



An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Biochemical Depot



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Biochemical Silo



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Communication Station



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Construction Site



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Deserted Mineral Plant



An abandoned Helium-3 mine and refinery taken over by hostiles, which can be placed as a random point of interest.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Deserted Relay Station



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Deserted Research Outpost



An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Fracking Control Center



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Fracking Station



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Freestar Mech Factory


Arcturus II   


SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Fuel Depot



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Industrial Outpost



A friendly industrial outpost with a Mission and Bounty board and a number of United Transport Workers.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Industrial Post



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Industrial Rig



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Lair of the Mantis


Denebola I-b, moon of Denebola I   


The Mantis's headquarters.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Military Base



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Observation Deck



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Pipeline Control Center



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Pipeline Control Tower



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Pipeline Junction



A small industrial POI with a number of Strong Arm Workers and a provisioner with a few things to sell.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Pipeline Station



A small worksite occupied by robots.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Pipeline Substation



A small industrial POI with a number of Strong Arm Workers and a provisioner with a few things to sell.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Pipeline Terminus



A randomly encountered industrial outpost that is not occupied.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Power Station



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Processing Plant



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Radio Tower



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Reclaimed Outpost


Hawley, moon of Olivas   

Alpha Centauri

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Remote Industrial Site



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Research Camp


Altair II   


A small Freestar Collective outpost on Altair II.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Safe House Gamma


Andromas II   


SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Satellite Relay



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Solar Farm



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Storage Site



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Storage Yard



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Supply Train



An ambushed supply train POI that can be randomly found on multiple planets.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Tau Gourmet Production Center


Tau Ceti II   

Tau Ceti

Is a defunct meat processing facility on Tau Ceti II.

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Unfinished Hangar



SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Wind Farm



Is a small, outdoor point of interest occupied by Ecliptic Mercs.