Starfield:Shattered Space Missions

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Numerous missions have been added by Shattered Space.

Mission List[edit]

Name Editor ID Form ID Summary
[[SF:[BE - Generic]|]] SFBGS001_BE_MB_Rescue 0x010E58CA
[[SF:[Dialogue quest for LC04]|]] SFBGS001_DialogueHVLC04ApostatesRefuge 0x01109B92
[[SF:[Dialogue quest for LC13]|]] SFBGS001_DialogueHVLC13IrinasFarm 0x011040C4
[[SF:[Hailing hellos for the Oracle]|]] SFBGS001_MQ01_Hail 0x01127CBA
[[SF:[June Showcase]|]] SFBGS001_ShowcaseQuest 0x011539AB a quest to hold work done for the showcase
[[SF:[LC38 Mihael's Ship]|]] SFBGS001_BE_MQ03 0x01166C54
[[SF:[MQ04 Post Quest Bianca/Eggie/Vaeric Scenes]|]] SFBGS001_MQ04_PostQuest 0x0111C6F9
[[SF:[MS03 Post-Quest Scene]|]] SFBGS001_MS03_PostQuestScene 0x0110B7F8 This is the wrap-up scene for The Duel that the player can find if Borhal and Amila survive. They will be standing outside their home, and they will make up. This provides complete resolution to their conflict
[[SF:[SFBGS001LC06 - Scaled Citadel]|]] SFBGS001LC06 0x0101D3C6
[[SF:[Support for the Oracle]|]] SFBGS001_LC01 0x010ABD9E This quest controls gravity functionality for the Oracle station and handling for Vasco.
[[SF:[TEMPLATE - Duplicate to Use]|]] SFBGS001LC010_EavesdropScene_Bridge 0x0100DFCD
[[SF:[TEMPLATE - Duplicate to Use]|]] SFBGS001LC010_EavesdropScene_CaveWall 0x0100DFCE
[[SF:[TEMPLATE - Duplicate to Use]|]] EavesdroppingSceneTemplate 0x0101D5B0
[[SF:[Tracking Quest]|]] SFBGS001_MQ04_TrackerQuest 0x01045D80
[[SF:[Twice Reformed Lead-In Quest]|]] SFBGS001_MS02_IntroQuest 0x0109B1BB
A House Divided SFBGS001_MS01 0x01011BFA
Abbas Farm Dialogue SFBGS001_Dialogue_LC15 0x010CBA3E
Aligning the Houses SFBGS001_MQ_Shell 0x01035E1B
Anasko Appearance 01 SFBGS001_RC_Anasko02 0x01127757
Anasko Appearance 01 SFBGS001_RC_Anasko01 0x01127758
Anasko Appearance 01 SFBGS001_RC_Anasko03 0x01127759
Andreja Council Scenes SFBGS001_Council_Andreja 0x0111C6E8
Commoner Neighborhood 01 rc SFBGS001_RC_CommonerNeighborhood01 0x0108AD20
Commoner Neighborhood rc 02 SFBGS001_RC_CommonerNeighborhood02 0x0108AD1B
Commoner Neighborhood rc 02 SFBGS001_RC_CommonerNeighborhood06 0x0110240D
Commoner Neighborhood rc 02 SFBGS001_RC_CommonerNeighborhood04 0x0110240E
Commoner Neighborhood RC 03 SFBGS001_RC_CommonerNeighborhood03 0x0108AD1A
Conflict in Conviction SFBGS001_MQ04 0x01035E1A
Crew SFBGS001_SQ_Crew_SpawnManager 0x0103BBC3
Dazra Main Dialogue SFBGS001_DialogueHVDazra 0x0102FD76
Dazra: Dazra City LIfe 01 SFBGS001_HV_DazraCityLife_Dazra01 0x010FB946 A citizen tries to coax their friend into eating/talking/drinking after they have suffered a breakdown and are in a near catatonic state
Dazra: Dazra City LIfe 02 SFBGS001_HV_DazraCityLife_Dazra02 0x010FB943 A couple looks on at an area that has been “eaten” by the vortex, and muses about how their home has disappeared.
Dazra: Dazra City LIfe 03 SFBGS001_HV_DazraCityLife_Dazra03 0x010FB947 A guard chases down a pickpocket
Dazra: Dazra City LIfe 04 SFBGS001_HV_DazraCityLife_Dazra04 0x010FB948 A remarkably, bizarrely cheery person thinking out loud, thankful that the Serpent has made itself known, as they were beginning to have doubts of its existence.
Dazra: Dazra City LIfe 05 SFBGS001_HV_DazraCityLife_Dazra05 0x010FB949 An old man grumbles to his adult son how the people of Dazra have brought the catastrophe upon themselves, and the Great Serpent is punishing them for their transgressions. The son pushes back.
Dazra: Dazra City LIfe 05 SFBGS001_HV_DazraCityLife_MeatHouse02 0x010FBA65 An old man grumbles to his adult son how the people of Dazra have brought the catastrophe upon themselves, and the Great Serpent is punishing them for their transgressions. The son pushes back.
Dazra: Dazra City LIfe 05 SFBGS001_HV_DazraCityLife_Dazra08 0x010FBA68 An NPC fearfully describes an encounter with a vortex phantom to a friend. The phantom seemed familiar and the NPC wonders if it was their spouse, who was lost in the calamity.
Dazra: Dazra City LIfe 06 SFBGS001_HV_DazraCityLife_Dazra06 0x010FBA66 A child excitedly talks about the prospect of getting their tattoos
Dazra: Dazra City LIfe 06 SFBGS001_HV_DazraCityLife_Dazra10 0x010FBA69 A child excitedly talks about the prospect of getting their tattoos
Dazra: Dazra City Life 07 SFBGS001_HV_DazraCityLife_Dazra07 0x010FBA67 An person recounts the Serpent's Crusade to a group of kids, neither glorifying it or denouncing it, and answers some of the children's questions about it.
Dazra: Dazra City LIfe 09 SFBGS001_HV_DazraCityLife_Dazra09 0x010FBA62 Inaza Kaisir loudly gives a sermon in an effort to bolster the morale of the citizens.
Dazra: Dazra City Life The Keep 01 SFBGS001_HV_DazraCityLife_TheKeep01 0x010FBA64 NPCs complaining to each other about the presence of “outsider influence” in the form of the player character. Are they an off-worlder spy? The first wave in a cultural infiltration?
Dazra: Halls of Healing City Life Scene SFBGS001_HV_DazraCityLife_HallsOfHealing01 0x010FB944
Dazra: Meat House City Life Scene SFBGS001_HV_DazraCityLife_MeatHouse01 0x010FB945 A peculiar character has a one-sided conversation with a Groat
Dazra: Wandering NPC Groat Farmers WNPC4_5_6 SFBGS001_WNPC_GroatFarmers_WNPC4_5_6 0x0101A679 Wandering NPC Groat Farmers w/Groats make a journey between Dazra sites.\n\nTesting:\nbat SFBGS001_ld\ncoc sfbgs001WNPCSpawn04Ext
Dazra: Wandering NPC Groat Farmers WNPC5_6_7 SFBGS001_WNPC_GroatFarmers_WNPC5_6_7 0x0101A67C Wandering NPC Groat Farmers w/Groats make a journey between Dazra sites.\n\nTesting:\nbat SFBGS001_ld\ncoc sfbgs001WNPCSpawn05Ext
Dazra: Wandering NPC Groat Farmers WNPC6_7_8 SFBGS001_WNPC_GroatFarmers_WNPC6_7_8 0x0101A67B Wandering NPC Groat Farmers w/Groats make a journey between Dazra sites.\n\nTesting:\nbat SFBGS001_ld\ncoc sfbgs001WNPCSpawn06Ext
Dazra: Wandering NPC Pilgrims LC22-24 SFBGS001_WNPC_Pilgrims_LC22_24 0x0100C6DC Wandering NPC Va'ruun Pilgrims make the journey between the Dazra Temples.\n\nTesting:\nbat SFBGS001_ld\ncoc sfbgs001Lc22Ext
Dazra: Wandering NPC Pilgrims LC23-26 SFBGS001_WNPC_Pilgrims_LC23_26 0x0100C6DA Wandering NPC Va'ruun Pilgrims make the journey between the Dazra Temples.\n\nTesting:\nbat SFBGS001_ld\ncoc sfbgs001Lc23Ext
Dazra: Wandering NPC Pilgrims LC24-25 SFBGS001_WNPC_Pilgrims_LC24_25 0x0100C6DB Wandering NPC Va'ruun Pilgrims make the journey between the Dazra Temples.\n\nTesting:\nbat SFBGS001_ld\ncoc sfbgs001Lc24Ext
Dazra: Wandering NPC Pilgrims LC25-23 SFBGS001_WNPC_Pilgrims_LC25_23 0x0100C6DD Wandering NPC Va'ruun Pilgrims make the journey between the Dazra Temples.\n\nTesting:\nbat SFBGS001_ld\ncoc sfbgs001Lc25Ext
Dazra: Wandering NPC Pilgrims LC26-24 SFBGS001_WNPC_Pilgrims_LC26_24 0x0100C6DE Wandering NPC Va'ruun Pilgrims make the journey between the Dazra Temples.\n\nTesting:\nbat SFBGS001_ld\ncoc sfbgs001Lc26Ext
Dazra: Wandering NPC Varuuun Military WNPC1_2_3 SFBGS001_WNPC_VaruunMilPatrol_WNPC1_2_3 0x0101A677 Wandering NPC Va'ruun Military make journey between Dazra sites.\n\nTesting:\nbat SFBGS001_ld\ncoc sfbgs001WNPCSpawn01Ext
Dazra: Wandering NPC Varuuun Military WNPC3_4_5 SFBGS001_WNPC_VaruunMilPatrol_WNPC3_4_5 0x0101A67A Wandering NPC Va'ruun Military make journey between Dazra sites.\n\nTesting:\nbat SFBGS001_ld\ncoc sfbgs001WNPCSpawn03Ext
Dazra: Wandering NPC Varuuun Military WNPC8_1_2 SFBGS001_WNPC_VaruunMilPatrol_WNPC8_1_2 0x0101A678 Wandering NPC Va'ruun Military make journey between Dazra sites.\n\nTesting:\nbat SFBGS001_ld\ncoc sfbgs001WNPCSpawn08Ext
Deep Cover Speech Challenges SFBGS001_MS01_SpeechChallenge_Madri 0x010C210B
Derelict Ship Template SFBGS001_SE_DerelictVortexPhantom 0x0103B56E
[[SF:Destroy the <Alias=PrimaryRef> at <Alias=TargetSystemLocation>|]] SFBGS001_MB_BountySpace01Far 0x010D2466
[[SF:Destroy the <Alias=PrimaryRef> at <Alias=TargetSystemLocation>|]] SFBGS001_MB_BountySpace02Far 0x010D246D
DLC001LC07EavesdroppingScene SFBGS001LC07Int01_EavesdroppingScene01 0x0102B8D9
Exhuming the Past SFBGS001_MQ05 0x01035E1C
Fallen Footsteps SFBGS001_VkaiZ03b 0x01040788
False Contact SFBGS001_OE_KT_Smuggler 0x010E73A3 Scenario: Simple vendor scene. May have a ship nearby, if desired.\n
Generic Dialogue SFBGS001_OE_Dialogue 0x0111F246 This is for generic dialogues used by NPCs in the OEs.
Guard crime dialogue SFBGS001_DialogueCrimeDazraGuards 0x010885F1
Halls of Healing RC 01 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_HallsOfHealing01 0x01106D57
Halls of Healing RC 02 SFBGS001_RC_HallsOfHealing02 0x0108AD19
Halls of Healing RC 03 SFBGS001_RC_HallsOfHealing03 0x0108AD22
Halls of Healing Scene 01 SFBGS001_RC_HallsOfHealing01 0x0108AD1F
Heralds Rest RC 01 SFBGS001_RC_HeraldsRest01 0x0108AD21
Heralds Rest RC 01 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_HeraldsRest01 0x01106D58
Heralds Rest RC 02 SFBGS001_RC_HeraldsRest02 0x0108AD18
Heralds Rest RC 03 SFBGS001_RC_HeraldsRest03 0x0108AD17
Hide and Seek SFBGS001_DazraZ02 0x01050B56
House Ka'dic Envoys RC01 SFBGS001_RC_HouseKadic01 0x01111315
House Ka'dic Envoys RC02 SFBGS001_RC_HouseKadic02 0x01111314
House Ka'dic Envoys RC03 SFBGS001_RC_HouseKadic03 0x01111316
House Veth'aal Wardens RC01 SFBGS001_RC_HouseVethaal01 0x01111313
House Veth'aal Wardens RC02 SFBGS001_RC_HouseVethaal02 0x01111317
House Veth'aal Wardens RC03 SFBGS001_RC_HouseVethaal03 0x01111312
[[SF:Hunt the Creatures on <Alias=TargetPlanetLocation>|]] SFBGS001_MB_Hunt01Local 0x010D2623
[[SF:Hunt the Creatures on <Alias=TargetPlanetLocation>|]] SFBGS001_MB_Hunt01Local_00 0x010D2626
[[SF:Hunt the Creatures on <Alias=TargetPlanetLocation>|]] SFBGS001_MB_Hunt01Local_01 0x010D262B
Irina and Mila RC01 SFBGS001_RC_LC13_IrinaAndMila 0x0111F710
Irina and Zen RC01 SFBGS001_RC_LC13_IrinaAndZen 0x0111F711
Jandar's Rest SFBGS001_MS01_Post 0x01034E8E
[[SF:Kill the <Alias=PrimaryRef> at the <Alias=TargetLocation>|]] SFBGS001_MB_Bounty02Local 0x010D2467
[[SF:Kill the <Alias=PrimaryRef> on <Alias=TargetPlanetLocation>|]] SFBGS001_MB_Bounty01Far 0x010D246C
Legacy of the Fang SFBGS001_MS05 0x0103E8F4 Inside the Tomb of the Fang, the player mees an injured woman named Maaliya Hajtal, descendent of the renowned Mahkara the Fang, a famed warrior who lived a hundred years ago. There's a clear case of hero worship, as Maaliya reveres her ancestor's courage and skill. When the calamity engulfed Dazra, Maaliya traveled to Mahkara's tomb to meditate and pray, and also to guard the heirlooms displayed there. Some unruly Spacers raided the tomb and despite Mahkara's courageous effort to drive them away, were successful in stealing the heirlooms. Maaliya survived but is injured when the player first meets her. The player can offer to retrieve the stolen heirlooms from the Spacers' base and bring them to the Hajtal household in Dazra, where Farud Hajtal, Maaliya's strict and overly protective father, will express his disapproval of his daughter's actions.
Lost and Found SFBGS001_VKaiZ03a 0x0103DB1D
Maleen Dam Quest SFBGS001_LC05_Quest 0x0102E264
Mihael's Revenge SFBGS001_SE_Player_MQ03 0x010FFE63
Mourning Device Control Quest SFBGS001_MourningDevice_Control 0x010C0AE4 This quest contains the scenes related to firing the Mourning Device.
Mourning Device Scientists RC01 SFBGS001_RC_MourningDevice01 0x01111318
Mourning Device Scientists RC02 SFBGS001_RC_MourningDevice02 0x01111311
Mourning Device Scientists RC03 SFBGS001_RC_MourningDevice03 0x01111319
Oracle Quest SFBGS001_LC01_TheOracleQuest 0x01026439
Overrun Facility SFBGS001_OE_BonecrestOverrun 0x010E794F How to test this quest: \n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_BonecrestOverrun 1 10\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE16World 5 \nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE16World\nSQV SFBGS001_OE_BonecrestOverrun \nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\nDescription: A group of Civilians huddles in an Overlay after being attacked by predators. The predators circle the complex looking for targets. The player can talk to the miner foreman.
Path of Redemption SFBGS001_VKaiZ01 0x0105FC73
[[SF:Pick up <Alias=MissionSupplies> at <Alias=TargetLocation>|]] SFBGS001_MB_Smuggler 0x010E6BC4
Player House Quest SFBGS001_DazraPlayerHouseQuest 0x01098AD9
Plaza RC 01 SFBGS001_RC_Plaza01 0x0108AD1C
Plaza RC 01 SFBGS001_RC_CommonerNeighborhood05 0x01102412
Plaza RC 01 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_CommonerNeighborhood05_Vethaal 0x01106FBE
Plaza RC 02 SFBGS001_RC_Plaza02 0x0108AD16
Plaza RC 03 SFBGS001_RC_Plaza03 0x0108AD15
Plaza RC 03 SFBGS001_RC_Plaza04 0x0110240F
Plaza RC 03 SFBGS001_RC_Plaza05 0x01102410
Plaza RC 03 SFBGS001_RC_Plaza06 0x01102411
Post MQ02 city life scene handler SFBGS001_DazraCityLife_PostMQ02_Handler 0x010FBA63 This quest enables all actors and city life scene markup that was disabled before MQ02 was complete
Post Quest Commoner Neighborhood rc 04 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_CommonerNeighborhood04 0x01106FBC
Post Quest Commoner Neighborhood rc 06 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_CommonerNeighborhood06 0x01106FBD
Post Quest Dulkehf RC 1 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Dulkehf01 0x01106D5A
Post Quest Dulkehf RC 2 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Dulkehf02 0x01106D63
Post Quest Dulkehf RC 3 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Dulkehf03 0x01106D59
Post Quest Dulkehf RC 4 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Dulkehf04 0x01106D64
Post Quest Kadic RC 1 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Kadic01 0x01106D5D
Post Quest Kadic RC 2 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Kadic02 0x01106D60
Post Quest Kadic RC 3 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Kadic03 0x01106D5C
Post Quest Kadic RC 4 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Kadic04 0x01106D5B
Post Quest Plaza RC 03 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Plaza05 0x01106FBF
Post Quest RC 1 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Citizens01 0x01104708
Post Quest RC 2 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Citizens02 0x011047F1
Post Quest RC 3 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Citizens03 0x011047F0
Post Quest Starport Area RC 02 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_StarportArea01 0x01106D55
Post Quest Vethaal RC 1 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Vethaal01 0x01106D5F
Post Quest Vethaal RC 2 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Vethaal02 0x01106D5E
Post Quest Vethaal RC 3 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Vethaal03 0x01106D61
Post Quest Vethaal RC 4 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_Vethaal04 0x01106D62
Refinery Controller Quest SFBGS001LC07_Quest01 0x01097FC8
Refugee Camp RC 01 SFBGS001_RC_RefugeeCamp01 0x0108AD1D
Refugee Camp RC 02 SFBGS001_RC_RefugeeCamp02 0x0108AD14
Refugee Camp RC 03 SFBGS001_RC_RefugeeCamp03 0x0108AD13
Refugee Camp RC 03 SFBGS001_RC_RefugeeCamp04 0x0110240C
Refugee Camp RC 03 SFBGS001_RC_PostQuest_RefugeeCamp 0x01106D56
Refugee Camp rC 05 SFBGS001_RC_RefugeeCamp05 0x0108AD11
[[SF:Rescue hostage at <Alias=TargetPlanetLocation>|]] SFBGS001_MB_Rescue 0x010E6BC3
Sahima Ka'dic SFBGS001_CREW_EliteCrew_SahimaKadic 0x0100399F
Scientific Method SFBGS001_MS04 0x01040FF7 Two scientists, a married couple named Azad and Sherin Dubas, work at a research outpost called Hamadi Station. They're investigating reports of sickness in the animals around Dazra. Seeking help, they put out a call for a research assistant and offer the player the job. Working together, the player and the scientists identify a growing ecological crisis triggered by the opening of the vortex.
Serpent's Crusade vs. Freestar SFBGS001_SE_Player_Attack12 0x0103AB6F
Serpent's Crusade vs. UCNavy SFBGS001_SE_Player_Attack13 0x0103AB70
SFBGS001LC48_EavesdroppingScene_Heirloomtalk_01 SFBGS001LC48_EavesdroppingScene_A1 0x011141C2
SFBGS001LC48_EavesdroppingScene_Heirloomtalk_03 SFBGS001LC48_EavesdroppingScene_03 0x01114ECB
Shared lines across Generic Voicetypes SFBGS001_DialogueHVGenericVaruunRedeemed 0x010D06E4
Shared lines across Generic Voicetypes SFBGS001_DialogueHVGenericVaruunCitizens 0x010D1F1F
Shared lines across Generic Voicetypes SFBGS001_DialogueHVGenericRobotModelA 0x010D2469
Shared lines across Generic Voicetypes SFBGS001_DialogueHVGenericPhantom 0x010E3416 A duplicate quest of DialogueGenericHouseVaruun. For new Zealot voicetypes only, to achieve parity with base game content
Shared Lines for Varuun Guards SFBGS001_DialogueHVGenericVaruunGuards 0x010838BC
Shared NEW Lines for Zealot Voicetypes SFBGS001_DialogueHVGenericVaruunZealots 0x010E33EC This quest is for new lines (non-ship) that involve all six Zealot voicetypes. \n\nBase game Zealot lines are covered in SFBGS001_DialogueHVGenericVaruunZealots_NewVoicesOnly and DialogueGenericHouseVaruun
Shared OLD Lines for NEW Zealot Voicetypes SFBGS001_DialogueHVGenericVaruunZealots_NewVoicesOnly 0x010CE196 A duplicate quest of DialogueGenericHouseVaruun. For new Zealot voicetypes only, to achieve parity with base game content
Shattered Space Unique Actor Base Dialogue SFBGS001_DialogueUnique 0x0102FEBC Bucket dialogue quest for crime, combat, etc for unique actors
Small Herd Predator vs. Herd Prey SFBGS001_OE_CreatureVignette02 0x01123F37 Test instructions:\n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_CreatureVignette02 1 10\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE06World 5 \nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE06World \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_CreatureVignette02\nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\nDescription:\nSmall group of Predators vs. Small Group of Herd Prey
Small Herd Predator vs. Herd Prey SFBGS001_OE_CreatureVignette03 0x01123F38 Test instructions:\n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_CreatureVignette03 1 10\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE06World 5 \nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE06World \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_CreatureVignette03\nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\nDescription:\nMedium group (2-5) vs. Medium Herd Prey (3-8)
Sound Volume System SFBGS001LC48_SoundProof_Quest 0x01000836
Starport Area RC 01 SFBGS001_RC_StarportArea01 0x0108AD1E
Starport Area RC 02 SFBGS001_RC_StarportArea02 0x0108AD12
Sympathy for the Living SFBGS001_DazraZ03 0x010D5E84
Tane Salavea SFBGS001_CREW_EliteCrew_TaneSalavea 0x0100399E
The Courier SFBGS001_VKaiZ02 0x0105FC74 Having lost her regular delivery person to the recent accident in Dazra, Lijana Dul'kef of House Dul'kef, the Ministry of Commerce, offers the player the job of acting as a courier and deliuvering packages to people living outside the city.
The Duel SFBGS001_MS03 0x0105DAF0
The Keep - Random Convo 1 SFBGS001_RC_TheKeep01 0x01088684
The Keep - Random Convo 1 SFBGS001_RC_TheKeep03 0x01088686
The Keep - Random Convo 2 SFBGS001_RC_TheKeep02 0x01088685
The Missing Groats SFBGS001_DazraZ01 0x0103AC8C
The Other Side SFBGS001_MQIN 0x0110AAD5
The Promised SFBGS001_MQ02 0x010116C7
The Scaled Citadel SFBGS001_MQ06 0x0101221C
Twice Reformed SFBGS001_MS02 0x0103E263
Va'ruun Missionary SFBGS001_SE_VaruunMissionary 0x0103B527
Va'ruun Refugee Boarding Encounter SFBGS001_BE_VaruunRefugees 0x0114D6D5
Va'ruun Refugees SFBGS001_SE_VaruunRefugees 0x01040C2D
Va'ruun Revenge on Player SFBGS001_SE_Player_VaruunAttack 0x010456BC
Waterfall and hidden treasure SFBGS001_LC08 0x010165AA
What Remains SFBGS001_MQ01 0x010121DB This quest is the opening for the Shattered Space DLC. The player discovers a space station broadcasting a static laden emergency message after jumping to orbit and will need to board to investigate. The DLC is going for an overall creepy vibe. This quest in particular takes place aboard the Oracle station where something has gone horribly wrong, turning its crew into Vortex Phantoms. Think Event Horizon for general vibe.\n\nAssociated quests:\nSFBGS001_MQ01_Hail\nSFBGS001_LC01\nSFBGS001_LC01_TheOracleQuest
Zealot Death Squads SFBGS001_OE_ZealotDeathSquads 0x010FAF7E How to test this quest: \n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_ZealotDeathSquads 10 1\nSetPCMWorldSpace SFBGS001OE18World 10\nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nUse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE18World \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_ZealotDeathSquads \nPlayer.MoveTo any of the refs\n\nDescription: A ship lands and expels a Va'ruun Zealot attack squad(s) that hunt the player. Rarely, Redeemed can be in the attacking party.
Zealous Overreach SFBGS001_MQ03 0x01030C2B
Zen and Mila RC01 SFBGS001_RC_LC13_ZenAndMila 0x0111F712
[[SF:|SF:]] COM_Companion_SarahMorgan 0x00009E99
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001MasterQuest 0x0100081B
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_MS02_PostQuest 0x01011BDE a quest to wrap up any dungeon needs when MS02 ends
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_MS01_AudioLogs 0x01011BFB
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_MS01_ScannerQuest 0x01011BFC
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_AudioLogsQuest_CT 0x0102B9D8
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001LC07_BE_Quest 0x0102EEF7
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_SharedDialogue 0x0103AB6E
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_CREW_GenericCrew 0x0103DB1C
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_VkaiZ03_AudioLogs 0x0103EF98
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_VaruunPredatorMassacre 0x01090E2C How to test this OE:\n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_VaruunPredatorMassacre 10 1\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE17world 5\nLOPB "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nUse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE17world \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_VaruunPredatorMassacre\nPlayer.MoveTo any of the refs\n\nOE Desc:\nA Predator roams an Outpost, corpses lie around the area, no one alive.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_VaruunFightGoneBad 0x01090E2E How to test this OE:\n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_VaruunFightGoneBad 10 1\nsetpcmworldspace SFBGS001OE18World\nlopb "Va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nUse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE18World\nSQV SFBGS001_OE_VaruunFightGoneBad\nPlayer.MoveTo any of the refs\n\nOE Description: Corpses litter the ground from 2 factions, one being Varuun. No survivors. There may or may not be a ship. \n
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_MQ_Post_Hostile 0x01094336
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_LongDeadVaruun 0x0109A023 How to test this OE:\n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_LongDeadVaruun 10 1\nsetpcmworldspace SFBGS001OE02World\nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nUse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE02World\nSQV SFBGS001_OE_LongDeadVaruun\nPlayer.MoveTo any of the refs\n\nOE Description: Hermit/Lone Miner leaves a collection of loot behind and a corpse in a cave or camp (sitting in a chair, laying on ground, etc).\n
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_VaruunCorpse_HuntingBonecrest 0x010B349A Set OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_VaruunCorpse_HuntingBonecrest 1 10\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE17world 5 \nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nUse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE17world \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_VaruunCorpse_HuntingBonecrest \nPlayer.MoveTo any of the refs\n\nDescription: Predator(s) guard the corpse. Attack when it is approached or looted.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_Corpse_WobblebackGrazers 0x010B349C Testing instructions:\n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_Corpse_WobblebackGrazers 1 10\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE06World 5\nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE06World\nSQV SFBGS001_OE_Corpse_WobblebackGrazers\nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\nDescription: Wobbleback grazers hang out in a natural area and there is a chance for some corpses to be present.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_Corpse_Groat 0x010B349F Set OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_Corpse_Groat 1 10\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE06World 5 \nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE06World \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_Corpse_Groat \nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\nDescription: Different Groats hang out in a natural area and there is a chance for some corpses to be present.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols01 0x010BD7B1 --- Testing Console Commands ---\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols01 1 10\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE06World 5 \nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE06World\nSQV SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols01 \nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\n--- Description ---\nSpawns a group of Prey Animals (see the Animals refColl) and sets them to patrol around the overlay.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols02 0x010BD7B2 --- Testing Console Commands ---\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols02 1 10\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE06World 5 \nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE06World \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols02\nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\n--- Description ---\nSpawns a group of Prey animals (see the Animals refColl) and sets them to patrol around the overlay.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols03 0x010BD7B3 --- Testing Console Commands ---\n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols03 1 10\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE06World 5 \nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE06World \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols03 \nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\n--- Description ---\nSpawns a group of specific Kavnyk fauna (see the Animals refColl) and sets them to patrol around the overlay.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols04 0x010BD7B4 --- Testing Console Commands ---\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols04 1 10\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE06World 5 \nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 0\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE06World \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols04\nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\n--- Description ---\nSpawns a group of Prey animals (see the Animals refColl) and sets them to patrol around the overlay.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols05 0x010BD7B5 --- Testing Console Commands ---\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols05 1 10\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE06World 5 \nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE06World \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols05\nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\n--- Description ---\nSpawns a group of specific Kavnyk fauna (see the Animals refColl) and sets them to patrol around the overlay.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols06 0x010BD7B6 --- Testing Console Commands ---\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols06 1 10\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE06World 5 \nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE06World \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_CreaturePatrols06\nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\n--- Description ---\nSpawns a group of Prey Animals (see the Animals refColl) and sets them to patrol around the overlay.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_Achievements_Quest 0x010C753A
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_DialogueHVGenericVaruunShips 0x010CE195 Ship dialogue for DLC. This is for New Zealot voices and Generic voices only as base game Zealots are covered.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001LC07_RumbleQuest 0x010CFB00
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_AudioLogsQuest_BC 0x010E47B6
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_DialogueHamadiStation 0x010EDEF1
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_VortexAnomalyHorrors01 0x010FD2BC How to test this quest: \n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_VortexAnomalyHorrors01 10 1\nSetPCMWorldSpace SFBGS001OE16World 10\nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nUse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE16World \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_VortexAnomalyHorrors01 \nPlayer.MoveTo any of the refs\n\nDescription: Spawns several Vortex Horrors and Phantoms
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_VortexAnomalyHorrors02 0x010FD456 How to test this quest: \n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_VortexAnomalyHorrors02 10 1\nSetPCMWorldSpace SFBGS001OE16World 10\nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nUse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE16World \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_VortexAnomalyHorrors02 \nPlayer.MoveTo any of the refs\n\nDescription: Spawns several Vortex Horrors and Phantoms
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_TheRedeemed 0x010FE7D5 Testing: \n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_TheRedeemed 10 1\nSetPCMWorldSpace SFBGS001OE07World 10\nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nUse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE07World\nSQV SFBGS001_OE_TheRedeemed\nPlayer.MoveTo any of the refs
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_RE_MS05_PostQuest 0x01100C5A Testing Commands: \n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSet SFBGS001_MS05_EnableRE to 1\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_RE_MS05_PostQuest 10 1\nSetPCMWorldSpace SFBGS001OE11World 10\nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nUse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE11World\nSQV SFBGS001_RE_MS05_PostQuest\nPlayer.MoveTo any of the refs\n\nDescription:\nNPC Maaliya Hajtal is in combat vs Zealots acting like an NPC version of Mantis\nCarries a special boostpack, armor, and weapon\nHelp, watch, or kill her. Killing her stops this OE from appearing again. Otherwise, it can reappear.\n\nDesign Note: Reference Mahkara the Fang, her ancestor who owned the special items.\n
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_RE_MQ03_PostQuest 0x01100C5B Testing Commands: \n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSet SFBGS001_MQ03_MihaelDead to 1\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_RE_MQ03_PostQuest 10 1\nSetPCMWorldSpace SFBGS001OE18World 10\nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nUse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE18World\nSQV SFBGS001_RE_MQ03_PostQuest\nPlayer.MoveTo any of the refs\n\nDescription:\n\nZealots attack the player after interacting with MQ03 NPC Mihael, killing him or his representatives.\n\nGlobals:\nSFBGS001_MQ03_IncreaseZealotAttacks == 1\nSFBGS001_MQ03_MihaelDead == ?\n
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_CrashedShip_Neutral 0x01102BB4 How to test this quest: \n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_CrashedShip_Neutral 10 1\nSetPCMWorldSpace SFBGS001OE17World 10\nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE17World\nSQV SFBGS001_OE_CrashedShip_Neutral\nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\nDescription: A crashed ship site with a chance for varying numbers of corpses strewn around the site.\n
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_CrashedShip_Hostiles 0x01103BDF How to test this quest: \n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_CrashedShip_Hostiles 10 1\nSetPCMWorldSpace SFBGS001OE18World 10\nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE18World\nSQV SFBGS001_OE_CrashedShip_Hostiles\nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\nDescription: A crashed ship site with hostile Va'ruun Zealot faction enemies partolling around.\n\n
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_DefenselessVaruunScientists 0x01105F94 How to test this quest: \n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_DefenselessVaruunScientists 10 1\nsetpcmworldspace SFBGS001OE10World\nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE10World\nSQV SFBGS001_OE_DefenselessVaruunScientists\nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\nDescription: NPC Scientists surrounded by hostile animal life, cowering in base.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_DefenselessVaruunMiners 0x011072B2 How to test this quest: \n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_DefenselessVaruunMiners 10 1\nsetpcmworldspace SFBGS001OE14World\nlopb "Va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE14World\nSQV SFBGS001_OE_DefenselessVaruunMiners\nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\nDescription: The player comes across a group of Va'ruun Miner NPCs trying to fight off some Predators. The player can jump in and help them out.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_PostQuest_CouncilMeetings 0x011082E6
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_MS04_TeaserSceneQuest 0x0110A9CF
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_MS04_ItemHolderQuest 0x0110AAD2
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_AudioLogsQuest_AN 0x01113F32
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001LC48_EavesdroppingScene_02 0x01114DED
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_DialogueGroatFarms 0x01117635 This quest holds dialogue for seveal generic, unnamed farmers who life outside the city of Dazra. These farmers all raise groats, a goat-like creature. Their hello groups have a range of personalities, and the character of Alicja has some additional player dialogue to add depth to the life of the typical farmer.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_DialogueDazraChunks 0x0111927A This quest holds dialogue for a group of generic, unnamed outcasts who have taken refuge at an abandoned automat restaurant called Chunks that shut down some time ago. They have a range of feelings about their predicament as expressed by the different hellos groups. The chracter of Lucjan has additional dialogue to provide context for what is happening at this location.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_LC48_AudioLogs 0x0111BCFF
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_SQ_WanderingNPC_Manager 0x0111CC67
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_VortexGroats01 0x01122601 --- Testing Console Commands ---\n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_VortexGroats01 1 10\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE12World 5 \nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE01World \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_VortexGroats01\nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\n--- Description ---\nSpawns a randomly sized group of Vortex Groats and sets them to patrol around the overlay.
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_NestDefense_PredatorAndPrey 0x011236E4 --- Testing Console Commands ---\n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_NestDefense_PredatorAndPrey 1 10\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE06World 5\nlopb “va'ruun'kai” 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE06World \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_NestDefense_PredatorAndPrey\nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\n--- Description ---\nHerding Prey animals guard a Nest with Predators nearby. Looting or approaching the Nest scatters the Prey, and draws an attack from the Predators.\n
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_CreatureVignette04 0x01123F39 Test instructions:\n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_CreatureVignette04 1 10\nSetPCMWorldspace SFBGS001OE06World 5 \nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nuse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE06World \nSQV SFBGS001_OE_CreatureVignette04\nPlayer.Moveto any of the refs\n\nDescription:\nLarge group Predators (3-7) vs. Large group of Herd Prey (3-8)
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_ZeroGFieldAudioQuest 0x01131476
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_COM_Companion_Barrett 0x011322F3
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_COM_Companion_Andreja 0x011324D6
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_COM_Companion_SamCoe 0x011325F3
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_COM_Companion_SarahMorgan 0x01136EB1
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_OE_LongDeadVaruun_NoPredator 0x0113E9C1 How to test this OE:\n\nSet OEDebug to 72\nSetDebugQuest SFBGS001_OE_LongDeadVaruun_NoPredator 10 1\nsetpcmworldspace SFBGS001OE02World\nlopb "va'ruun'kai" 1\n\nUse IMGui to find SFBGS001OE02World\nSQV SFBGS001_OE_LongDeadVaruun_NoPredator\nPlayer.MoveTo any of the refs\n\nOE Description: Hermit/Lone Miner leaves a collection of loot behind and a corpse in a cave or camp (sitting in a chair, laying on ground, etc).\n
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_DialogueWayshrines 0x0114F7ED
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_CraterDebrisSpawnQuest 0x0115080C
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_CraterPlaytestAreaQuest 0x01155072
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_CitadelPilgrimQuest 0x01163C30
[[SF:|SF:]] SFBGS001_MS03_BodyDisable small handler quest to disable the dead body at the end of the quest when player leaves Dazra