Starfield:Conflict in Conviction

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Location(s): None
XP: 0
Credits ?: 0
Other Rewards: (?)

Mission Stages[edit]

Conflict in Conviction (SFBGS001_MQ04)
Stage Finishes Mission Mission Entry
1(Debug: Talk to Viktor Veth'aal)
2(Debug: Talk to Viktor)
3(Debug: Inquire about Vaeric at Herald's Rest)
4(Debug: Find someone who knows about Vaeric)
5(Debug: Search northwest of Dazra for Vaeric)
6(Debug: Examine the camp)
7(Debug: Talk to Tane at camp)
8(Debug: Search northwest of the camp for Vaeric)
9(Debug: Find the abandoned farm)
10(Debug: Talk to Vaeric)
11(Debug: Return to Viktor - Vaeric dead)
12(Debug: Return to Ekris)
13(Debug: Return to Viktor - Vaeric remained at farm)
14(Debug: Return to Viktor - Vaeric returns home)
15(Debug: Find Tane outside)
20(Debug: Bianca post quest testing set up)
30(Debug: Egbo post quest testing set up)
40(Debug: Vaeric returned post quest testing set up)
50(Debug: Vaeric remained at farm post quest testing setup)
99(Debug: Testing items)
100(Talk to Viktor Veth'aal - Objective is not displayed here but handled in SFBGS001_MQ_Shell)
150(Player entered Viktor's trigger - Start intro scene)
200(Listen to the discussion)
300(Optional intro done)
310(Viktor ForceGreeted)
320(Player chose Serpent's Embrace path)
330(Player demanded credits for discretion)
340(Scene reentry 01: Demand credits for discretion)
350(Scene reentry 02: Player reached decision point)
1000(OBJ: Inquire about Vaeric at Herald's Rest)
I learned that Viktor's son, Vaeric, is missing and he won't give access to the power grid until he is found. He told me to begin looking for him at the Herald's Rest, a bar he frequented in Dazra.
1100(Player talked to Genna)
1101(Scene reentry 01: Decision point)
1102(Scene reentry 02: Decision made)
1110(Genna scene - Player said Vaeric owed them a drink)
1120(Genna scene - Player said Vaeric was an old friend)
1130(TRACK: Genna scene - Player mentioned Vaeric's family)
1140(Genna pointed to Bianca and Egbo)
1150(Genna scene - Speech challenge win)
1160(Genna scene - Speech challenge lose)
1170(Player got info from Genna)
1180(Player did not get info from Genna)
1200(Player talked to Eggie)
1201(Scene reentry 01: Decision point)
1202(Scene reentry 02: Decision made)
1250(Eggie scene - Speech challenge win)
1260(Eggie scene - Speech challenge lose)
1270(Player got info from Eggie)
1280(Player did not get info from Eggie)
1300(Player talked to Bianca)
1301(Scene reentry 01: Decision point)
1302(Scene reentry 02: Decision made)
1310(Player promised to tell Bianca about Vaeric)
1320(Player used initial skill check - Isolationist/Introvert)
1350(Bianca scene - Speech challenge win)
1360(Bianca scene - Speech challenge lose)
1370(Player got info from Bianca)
1380(Player did not get info from Bianca)
1400(OBJ: Find someone who knows about Vaeric - Enable Tane)
I wasn't able to find anything out about Vaeric at the Herald's Rest. I should expand my search to the city of Dazra.
1450(Player entered Tane's trigger - Start call out scene)
1500(OBJ: Talk to Tane)
As I started to head back to the Keep a man named Tane called out to me. I should see what he wants.
1600(OBJ: Wait for Tane at Herald's Rest - Enable Tane)
I found out a man named Tane may be able to point me toward Vaeric. He's a regular at the Herald's Rest, so I should just wait for him at the bar.
1610(Tane timer expired)
1700(OBJ: Talk to Tane)
Tane finally arrived. I should speak to him to find out what he may be able to tell me about Vaeric Veth'aal.
1701(Scene reentry 01: Decision point)
1702(Scene reentry 02: Choice made)
1710(TRACK: Player mentioned House Veth'aal is looking for Vaeric)
1720(TRACK: Player has mentioned not helping them is a punishable offense)
1750(Pay Tane credits)
1760(Player didn't have credits and exited scene)
2000(OBJ: Search northwest of Dazra for Vaeric)
Tane has the ability to track Vaeric, so we've teamed up to find him. He said we should start searching northwest of Dazra in the highlands.
2010(Breadcrumbing: NE Gate QT)
2015(Player exited Dazra)
2020(OBJ: Follow the tracker's ping to find Vaeric)
Tane has activated his tracker to locate Vaeric. We can follow the beeps to determine if we're getting any closer. The faster the beeps, the closer Vaeric is.
2030(Player asked about the tracker)
2090(Player entered LC012 Abandoned Camp trigger - Start Tane's scene)
2100(OBJ: Examine the camp)
We found a camp that hopefully belonged to Vaeric. I need to search the area to see if I can determine what happened here and where he went.
2110(Player investigated footprints)
2115(Player examined footprints with a skill check)
2120(Player investigated bloodstain)
2130(Player investigated Vortex Spawn)
2140(Tane examined the tracker)
2190(Player done investigating - Spawn Vortex Horror)
2200(OBJ: Kill the Vortex Horrors)
While searching the camp, some Vortex Horrors appeared and attacked us. We'll need to defeat them if we want to survive.
2210(Vortex Horror 01 dead)
2220(Vortex Horror 02 dead)
2290(Vortex Horrors dead - Start Tane's response scene)
2300(OBJ: Talk to Tane)
With the Vortex Horrors out of the way, I should talk to Tane to discuss what I've learned.
2310(Player spoke to Tane and passed skill checks)
2320(Player spoke to Tane and didn't have any skill checks)
2330(Player spoke to Tane)
2400(OBJ: Wait for Tane to examine the area)
I wasn't able to discern much from the camp, so Tane is going to take a look. I'll need to wait until he's done examining the area.
2500(OBJ: Determine which way Vaeric fled)
We need to head down to the base of the camp and see if we can tell which way Vaeric went from there.
2510(Player examined footprints)
2520(Player examined bloodstain)
2590(Player entered examine trigger)
2600(OBJ: Wait for Tane to examine the area)
I need to wait for Tane to examine the area to see if he can determine which way Vaeric went.
4000(OBJ: Search northwest of the camp for Vaeric)
We were able to determine from Vaeric's footprints that he's headed northwest. Hopefully we can catch up with him since he's injured.
4010(Player attacked for ANY reason)
4050(OBJ: Kill the farmers)
I attacked some farmers. I need to kill them all.
4090(Player entered LC013 Irina's Farm trigger - Start Tane's scene)
4095(Tane's scene fired)
4100(OBJ: Question the farmers)
We found a farm that Vaeric may have passed through. I'll need to question the farmers to see if he was here.
4190(Player entered Irina's trigger - Start Irina's scene)
4200(OBJ: Talk to Irina)
The farmers weren't too happy to see us. I'll need to speak to Irina to find out what she knows.
4201(Scene reentry 01: Decision point to get info)
4202(Scene reentry 02: Decision made or skill check used)
4203(Scene reentry 03: Choice to accuse traitors)
4204(Scene reentry 04: Choice made to accuse or not)
4205(Scene reentry 05: Final choice to kill, extort, or let go)
4210(Irina ForceGreeted or her scene started successfully)
4220(Player was immediately rude)
4225(Player mentioned looking for Vaeric Veth'aal)
4226(Irina mentioned they are isolated)
4227(Irina mentioned their son)
4230(TRACK: Player threatened to kill for information)
4235(TRACK: Player paid credits for info)
4240(Player chose to look around)
4250(Player demanded money to let Irina and family live)
4255(Player chose to extort and accepted what money Irina had)
4260(Player chose to attack)
4270(Player chose to let the farmers go for free)
4290(Player completed Irina's scene friendly or attack version)
4300(OBJ: Execute the traitors)
I discovered the farmers aided Vaeric when he approached them for help. They aided a traitor, so they must be executed.
4320(Irina dead)
4330(Zen dead)
4340(Mila dead)
4350(All dead)
4400(OBJ: Search the farmhouse for clues)
I need to search the farmhouse for anything that might tell me Vaeric was here and where he went.
4405(Player entered farmhouse to search)
4410(Player looted Mila's Journal)
4500(OBJ: Read the journal)
I found a journal that might have some information about Vaeric. I need to read it to find out.
4510(TRACK: Player read Mila's Journal)
4600(OBJ: Confront Irina)
I found Mila's journal that mentioned one of the farmers, Zen, suspected a young man they aided was Viktor Veth'aal's son. I should confront Irina about this.
4601(Scene reentry 01: Player reached decision point)
4610(Player chose to extort and accepted what money the family had)
4620(Player chose to attack)
4630(Player chose to let the farmers go for free)
4640(Player returned journal)
4650(Player finished Irina's confrontation scene friendly or attack version)
5000(OBJ: Find the abandonded farm)
I was able to discover that Vaeric headed to an abandoned groat farm to the north. I need to head to the farm and hope that Vaeric is still there.
5090(Player entered LC04 Apostate's Refuge - Start Tane's scene)
5100(OBJ: Search the dwelling)
We found an abandoned farm. I should search the dwelling for signs of Vaeric.
5150(Player read first log)
5160(Player read second log)
5200(OBJ: Find Tane outside)
Vaeric wasn't here, but I did read some logs on a slate and his computer to discover what he's been up to. I should find Tane outside and tell him what I found.
5210(Player approached Tane)
5220(Player started Tane's scene to find him outside - Enable Vaeric)
5290(Player completed Tane's scene)
5300(OBJ: Talk to Vaeric)
As I left the home, Vaeric was outside. I should speak to him and determine what to do.
5310(Vaeric ForceGreeted)
5320(Attack Scene: Player asked why Viktor wouldn't want Vaeric dead)
5345(Scene reentry 00: Vaeric lowered his gun)
5350(Scene reentry 01: Player reached speech challenge)
5355(Scene reentry 02: Player made their choice)
5360(Scene reentry 03: Player reached ring choice)
5365(Scene reentry 04: Player chose a dialogue attack option)
5370(Scene reentry 05: Player reached attack decision)
5400(OBJ: Decide Vaeric's fate)
Vaeric's fate lies in my hands. I'll need to decide his future.
5410(Player chose to attack Vaeric)
5420(Vaeric Speech Challenge win)
5430(Vaeric Speech Challenge lose)
5435(Vaeric said he'd be along shortly)
5440(Player demanded money)
5450(Player also chose to attack Tane)
5460(Vaeric gave player his ring)
5500(OBJ: Kill Vaeric)
I need to execute Vaeric for the traitor he is and retrieve his ring for Viktor Veth'aal.
5550(Player attacked Vaeric for any reason)
5590(Player killed Vaeric)
I found and executed the traitor, Vaeric Veth'aal. I need to return to his father Viktor at the Keep in Dazra to provide the ring as proof of death.
5600(OBJ: Obtain Vaeric's Family Crest)
I executed Vaeric as a traitor. I need to make sure I retrieve his ring as proof for Viktor Veth'aal.
5650(Player looted signet ring)
I found and executed the traitor, Vaeric Veth'aal. I need to return to his father Viktor at the Keep in Dazra to provide the ring as proof of death.
5700(OBJ: Talk to Tane)
5800(OBJ: Kill Tane)
Vaeric and Tane are both traitors and their execution falls upon me. I will need to kill them both for House Veth'aal.
5890(Player killed Tane)
5900(Tane stop following)
6000(OBJ: Return to Viktor - Vaeric returns)
I found Vaeric Veth'aal and rather than executing him, I persuaded him to return to his family. I need to speak with Viktor at the Keep in Dazra and deliver the news.
6001(Scene reentry 01: Player gave ring)
6002(Scene reentry 02: Vitoria left)
6003(Scene reentry 03: Player made it to final scene)
6010(Player gave ring)
6011(Vitoria leaves to mourn)
6015(Move Vaeric home and make Tane available as crew)
6016(Vitoria, Luther, Vaeric leave)
6020(Player was discreet, give them credits owed)
6030(Viktor gave access code)
6040(Player finished Viktor's scene with Vaeric dead)
6050(Player finished Viktor's scene with Vaeric alive)
6090(Player done speaking to Viktor)
6100(Player returned to Dazra)
6200(Elite Crew handling - Make Tane available)
7000(OBJ: Return to Ekris at the Mourning Device)
I finally received the access codes from Viktor Veth'aal. I need to return to Ekris at the Mourning Device so he can continue his work.
7010(Player gave access code)
9000(TRACK: Player mentioned House Veth'aal at any time to anyone other than Tane)
9010(TRACK: Player knows farmers knowingly helped Vaeric)
9020(Clean up LC12 objectives if player skipped it)
9030(Clean up LC13 objectives if player skipped it)
  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Mission system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all entries may appear in your log; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the mission is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with missions that have multiple possible outcomes or missions where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Mission" it means the mission disappears from the Active Mission list, but you may still receive new entries for that mission.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the mission by entering setstage SFBGS001_MQ04 stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) mission stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the mission using resetquest SFBGS001_MQ04.
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