Starfield:What Remains

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Location(s): None
XP: 0
Credits ?: 0
Other Rewards: (?)

Official Summary[edit]

"This quest is the opening for the Shattered Space DLC. The player discovers a space station broadcasting a static laden emergency message after jumping to orbit and will need to board to investigate. The DLC is going for an overall creepy vibe. This quest in particular takes place aboard the Oracle station where something has gone horribly wrong, turning its crew into Vortex Phantoms. Think Event Horizon for general vibe.\n\nAssociated quests:\nSFBGS001_MQ01_Hail\nSFBGS001_LC01\nSFBGS001_LC01_TheOracleQuest"

Mission Stages[edit]

What Remains (SFBGS001_MQ01)
Stage Finishes Mission Mission Entry
0(Initial setup stage)
1(Debug: Investigate the Oracle starstation - Space cell walkway)
2(Debug: Witness the scene)
5(Debug: Find the Engineering Bay Controls)
6(Debug: Find an Engineering Bay Access Card)
7(Debug: Access the Engineering Bay)
8(Debug: Restore the power)
9(Debug: Disposal unit)
12(Debug: Restore the Oracle's gravity)
13(Debug: Return to the Engineering Bay controls to restore power)
14(Debug: Head to the Operations center)
18(Debug: Reboot the Oracle's mainframe)
100(OBJ: Investigate the Oracle)
I found a starstation called the Oracle emitting a warning signal, telling people to stay away. If I want to find out what transpired there, I have no choice but to board.
110(Player boarded the station)
I found a starstation called the Oracle emitting a warning signal, telling people to stay away. I need to explore the station if I want to find out what transpired here.
120(Player hit initial scene trigger volume - Start initial scene)
130(Initial scene done - Disable Sirak)
150(Player entered Vortex Wall scene trigger - Start scene)
200(OBJ: Witness the Scene)
While exploring the Oracle, I happened upon two strangely affected people. I should watch their exchange and see what I can learn.
205(Play Basira swap to hostile FX)
210(Vortex Wall scene complete - Set Basira hostile)
300(OBJ: Kill Basira)
One of the people, Basira, turned hostile and attacked me. I have no choice but to kill her to protect myself.
310(Player killed Basira - Start CallOut scene)
320(Call Out scene is over - Start Explanation scene)
400(OBJ: Listen to Sirak)
Sirak began to speak after the loss of Basira. I should listen to what they have to say.
410(Explanation scene is over - Disable Sirak)
440(Player activated the locked door)
450(OBJ: Find an Oracle Access Card)
Sirak mentioned a need to restore power to the Oracle station. I should find the Engineering Bay and see what needs to be done, but I'll need to find an Oracle Access Card to enter the main station first.
455(Player has Basira's Access Card)
I found an Oracle Access Card. Now I can find the Engineering Bay and see what needs to be done to restore the power.
500(OBJ: Find the Engineering controls)
Sirak mentioned a need to restore power to the Oracle station. I should find the Engineering Bay and see what needs to be done, but I'll need to find an Oracle Access Card to enter the main station first.
550(Player entered the Oracle's interior cell)
600(OBJ: Find an Engineering Bay Access Card)
I don't have access to the Engineering Bay. I should be able to find an access card somewhere on the station.
610(Breadcrumbing Access Card QT01)
620(Breadcrumbing Access Card QT02)
630(Breadcrumbing Access Card QT03)
640(Breadcrumbing Access Card QT04)
650(Player found Access Card)
700(OBJ: Access the Engineering Bay)
I found an access card. Now I need to return to the Engineering Bay so I can get to the main power controls.
710(Breadcrumbing ID Card Reader QT01)
720(Breadcrumbing ID Card Reader QT02)
750(Player opened the Engineering Bay door)
800(OBJ: Restore the Oracle to full power)
I've gained access to the Engineering Bay. I need to use the main controls to restore power to the station.
810(Player attempted to restore power - Start Gravity scene)
900(OBJ: Listen to Sirak)
I attempted to restore the power but it didn't work. Sirak appeared again, so I should listen to what they have to say.
910(Enable hostiles)
920(Reboot scene done - Disable Sirak)
949(---------- Disposal unit stages start)
950(OBJ: Find an Emergency Power Cell)
While finding my way to the gravity controls, the disposal containment unit suddenly turned on. I need to find an Emergency Power Cell in order to restore power to the exit controls before I get crushed.
955(Player has a power cell)
960(OBJ: Restore the power)
I need to insert an Emergency Power Cell into the Power Receptacle to restore power to the exit controls so I can escape before the disposal containment unit crushes me.
970(Player inserted power cell)
980(OBJ: Open the door)
I restored power to the exit controls. I need to flip the Power Switch in order to open the door and leave this place.
990(Player opened compactor door - Update quest log)
I need to restore gravity in order to move the ejected power cell back down.
991(---------- Disposal unit stages complete)
1000(OBJ: Restore the Oracle's gravity)
I need to restore gravity in order to move the ejected power cell back down.
1010(Player reached the gravity controls room)
1100(OBJ: Find an alternate path to reach the gravity controls)
A strange wall of energy was blocking me from getting to the gravity controls. I'll have to find another way to reach them.
1110(Player reached gravity control terminal - Start gravity terminal scene)
1120(Terminal gravity scene done - Disable Sirak)
1200(OBJ: Restore the Oracle's gravity)
I found the controls. I need to use them to restore gravity to the station in hopes of lowering the power cell into place.
1210(Player initiated gravity)
1220(Gravity restored)
1300(OBJ: Return to the Engineering Bay controls to restore power)
I found the controls. I need to use them to restore gravity to the station in hopes of lowering the power cell into place.
1310(Player restored power - Start announcer scene)
1311(Shaft lights enable 01)
1312(Shaft lights enable 02)
1313(Shaft lights enable 03)
1314(Shaft lights enable 04)
1315(Interior lights enable)
1320(Announcer scene done)
1400(OBJ: Head to the Operations center)
I successfully restored power to the Oracle. Now I need to find the Operations center and reboot the mainframe.
1410(Player entered Operations - Start Transformation scene)
1500(OBJ: Listen to Sirak)
Sirak appeared when I reached the Operations center. I should listen to them in case they have further instructions.
1505(Play Sirak swap to hostile FX)
1510(Transformation scene complete - Enable hostiles)
1600(OBJ: Kill Sirak)
Sirak was unable to hold on and turned hostile, and at the same time, more hostile Phantoms appeared. I will need to kill them to survive.
1610(Player killed Sirak)
1700(OBJ: Kill the Vortex Phantoms)
1710(Player killed all Vortex Phantoms)
1750(All hostiles dead (Sirak + VP))
1800(OBJ: Reboot the station system)
With the hostiles taken care of, I can finally reboot the Oracle's mainframe. I just need to find an Operations Access Card.
1810(Player rebooted the station - Start Reboot scene)
1840(Player activated the locked terminal)
With the hostiles taken care of, I can finally reboot the Oracle's mainframe. I just need to find an Operations Access Card.
1850(OBJ: Find an Operations Access Card)
1855(Player has Sirak's Access Card)
I found an Operations Access Card so I can use the computer to reboot the Oracle's mainframe.
1900(OBJ: Wait for the system to reboot)
I rebooted the Oracle's mainframe. Now I just need to wait for the process to complete.
1910(Jump the Oracle to Va'ruun'kai)
1920(Jump completed - The Oracle is in Varuun'kai orbit - Start Protocol scene)
2000(OBJ: Wait for the station to complete protocol)
The reboot completed and Sirak's protocol went into effect. I need to wait for it to complete.
2010(Protocol scene complete - Start Transmission scene)
2100(OBJ: Listen to the incoming transmission)
As part of the protocol, the Oracle jumped to orbit Sirak's home planet and transmitted the data they had collected. An incoming transmission came through. I should listen to whomever is speaking.
2110(Transmission scene complete)
3000(OBJ: (Optional) Find Sirak's logs)
3010(Player found Log 01)
3020(Player found Log 02)
3030(Player found Log 03)
3040(Player found Log 04)
4000(Player found all logs)
5000(Companion: Play First Impression scene)
5010(Companion: Play Prayer Room scene)
5020(Companion: Play Vortex Wall scene)
5030(Companion: Play Disposal scene)
5040(Companion: Play Sirak scene)
5045(Sirak scene done)
6000(Player spoke to Andreja)
  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Mission system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all entries may appear in your log; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the mission is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with missions that have multiple possible outcomes or missions where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Mission" it means the mission disappears from the Active Mission list, but you may still receive new entries for that mission.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the mission by entering setstage SFBGS001_MQ01 stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) mission stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the mission using resetquest SFBGS001_MQ01.
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