Starfield:Exhuming the Past

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Location(s): None
XP: 0
Credits ?: 0
Other Rewards: (?)

Mission Stages[edit]

Exhuming the Past (SFBGS001_MQ05)
Stage Finishes Mission Mission Entry
2(DEBUG - Start at Hasmak)
3(DEBUG - Start at Farm)
4(DEBUG - Start inside research site)
5(DEBUG - Start just before Karija Forcegreet)
6(DEBUG - Start just before Karija 2nd forcegreet)
7(DEBUG - start at terminal)
8(DEBUG - start at control room)
9(DEBUG - start after retrieving vortex core)
10(DEBUG - start after exiting the facility)
100(obj: talk to Malibor)
110(talked to Malibor, turned down mission)
200(obj: talk to Hasmak)
I need to speak to Hasmak Dul'kehf to see how I can get House Dul'kehf's assistance in saving Dazra.
300(obj: reach the dam)
Hasmak Dul'kehf told me that there is something of interest at Ma'leen Dam to the southeast of Dazra. He is unsure of what I may find there, so I'll need to reach the site and investigate for myself.
400(obj: find a way to access research site)
Access to Ma'leen Dam is restricted, so I'll need to find a keycard if I want to learn what's inside that may help save Dazra. Perhaps the nearby farmers might know more.
401(exterior card reader activated, update QT to Comrak)
410(Talked to Comrak, update objective)
I've learned that Kaviil, one of the farmers near Ma'leen Dam, has possession of a key card that will allow me to enter. I need to get it from him, one way or another.
415(Kaviil Speech Challenge - Player Won)
416(Kaviil Speech Challenge - Player Lost)
417(Kaviil hands over keycard)
419(Player kills Kaviil)
420(Player has keycard)
I have a key card for Ma'leen Dam, where I may find something that can help Dazra.
430(keycard successfully used)
500(obj: explore site)
I've gained access to Ma'leen Dam, where House Dul'kehf thinks there may be information that could help with the situation in Dazra. I should explore thoroughly to see what might be here.
501(Water drain terminal activated, update obj)
502(Modulator Destroyed, update obj)
503(Water drained, update obj)
504(Secure Door accessed, update obj)
510(hit phantom warning trigger)
520(phantom warning scene done)
530(hit 1st combat trigger for Phantoms)
540(Karija 1st combat FG done)
550(hit 2nd combat trigger for Karija)
551(karija 2nd combat scene, teleport in Vedrasa)
560(karija 2nd combat FG done, start combat)
570(karija 2nd combat defeated)
600(obj: defeat vortex phantoms)
700(obj: find information about phantoms)
701(locked door activated, update obj)
702(terminal entry read, update obj)
703(teleport experiment completed, update obj)
704(teleport keycard in hand, update obj)
705(locked door opened, update obj)
710(player hit 3rd Karija FG trigger)
711(3rd FG - Add Vedrasa)
712(3rd FG - Add Draqir)
719(SKILL CHECK - 3rd FG done, even the odds)
720(Karija 3rd FG done)
730(Karija defeated 2nd time)
800(obj: retrieve core (inaccessible))
810(obj: divert power)
900(obj: retrieve vortex core)
910(Vortex Panel 01 : Left Lever)
911(Vortex Panel 01 : Right Lever)
912(Vortex Panel 01 : Center Lever)
1000(obj: remove vortex cores)
1001(final FG done, start combat)
1005(Restored 2nd Interlock Power)
1006(Vortex Panel 02 : Left Lever)
1007(Vortex Panel 02 : Right Lever)
1008(Vortex Panel 02 : Center Lever)
1010(Optional Vortex Core 2 removed)
1020(Optional Vortex Core 3 removed)
1050(additional vortex cores removed)
1100(obj: exit facility)
1500(obj: check on villagers)
1550(player has finished checking on villagers)
1600(obj: return to Council)
  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Mission system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all entries may appear in your log; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the mission is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with missions that have multiple possible outcomes or missions where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Mission" it means the mission disappears from the Active Mission list, but you may still receive new entries for that mission.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the mission by entering setstage SFBGS001_MQ05 stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) mission stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the mission using resetquest SFBGS001_MQ05.
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