Starfield:Daniel Blake

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Daniel Blake
Location SF-mapicon-The Rock.svg The Rock (map)
Editor ID FC_Ranger_DanielBlake
Race Human Gender Male
RefID N/A BaseID 0029A8EB
Other Information
Faction(s) CrimeFactionFreestar, FreestarRangerFaction

Daniel Blake is the marshal commanding the Freestar Rangers. During the Colony War, he served briefly with the First Cavalry.

Related MissionsEdit

Location ScenesEdit

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AkilaCity01
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AkilaCityScene01

Daniel Blake:

Well, I'll be. Sam Coe?
I don't suppose you've decided to come back into the fold?

Sam Coe:

*chuckle* The Rangers are better off without me.


You always were too hard on yourself. You had the makings of an excellent Ranger.


My heart's with Constellation.


Our loss is their gain. You take care.
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