Starfield:Mary Cartwright

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Mary CartwrightAid
(0021469b, 00225485)
Location SF-mapicon-The Rock.svg The Rock (map)
Editor ID FC_AC_MaryCartwright
Race Human Gender Female
RefID 0021469b BaseID 00225485
Credits Credit.png1,500 (Extra Small)
Sells Aid
Other Information
Faction(s) AkilaCityFaction, CrimeFactionFreestar, Mary Cartwright Medical, Faction that turns on healing services top level dialogue
Mary Cartwright

Mary Cartwright is the wife of Akila City Mayor Elias Cartwright and the mother of Emily Cartwright. She provides medical services at The Rock.

The Cartwright family reside at Cartwright Manor in The Core of Akila City, and is one of the prestigious founding families. However, she never leaves the infirmary to sleep at home.

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