Starfield:Eternity's Gate

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Eternity's Gate
Item: Eternity's Gate
Type Particle Beam Rifle
Ref ID Base ID 00329ABB
Weapon Characteristics
Physical Physical Damage 17
Energy Energy Damage 50
Ammo SF-icon-Energy Ammo.png Heavy Fuse Capacity 20
Fire Rate 25 Range 60
Accuracy 81.6% Mods Long Barrel, Recon Laser Sight, Short Scope, Focus Nozzle, Tactical Magazine, Overclocked
Mass Weight 5.10 Value Credit.png11249
Handloading: Volatile rounds that are designed to pack a bigger punch, but aren't as stable and can fail on occasion.
Anti-personnel: +10% damage against humans.
Skip Shot: Every fourth shot fires two Projectiles at once.
Eternity's Gate

Eternity's Gate is a unique Va'ruun Inflictor. It can be obtained from The Emissary’s corpse in the main quest Revelation, either by siding with The Hunter, or siding with neither.