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Item: Rattler
Type Pistol
Editor ID Rattler
Ref ID Base ID 00040826
Weapon Characteristics
Physical Physical Damage 10
Ammo SF-icon-Inv-Ammo-White.png .27 Caliber Capacity 12
Fire Rate 50 Range 20
Accuracy 68.1% Mods 7
Mass Weight 0.85 Value Credit.png942
The unmodified base version of the Rattler

The Rattler is a weapon manufactured by Laredo Firearms.


Location Count
SF-mapicon-Weapon Vendor.svg Centaurian Arsenal (map) 3
Lance Estate (map) 1
Laredo Firearms (map) 8
Quick Test Cell 1

Unique Variants[edit]

Name (ID) Type Ammo Weight Value Damage Notes

The Zapper

SF-item-The Zapper.jpg
SF-icon-Rattler.png The Zapper

.27 Caliber

SF-icon-Inv-Ammo-White.png .27 Caliber
2.85 9284
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