
Item: Revenant
Type Rifle
Ref ID Base ID (?)
Weapon Characteristics
Ammo .50 MI Capacity 150
Fire Rate 375 Range 48
Accuracy 72.2% Mods Extended Magazine, Lacerate, Titanium build
Mass Weight 3.39 Value Credit.png75716

Revenant is a unique weapon. It can be found on a table in the vault near the corpse of Jasper Kryx during the mission Eye of the Storm.

The combination of fire rate, accuracy and mods combined with ultra light weight make this firearm the best non-heavy weapon in the game. In NewGame+ some players have argued that this actually makes the game "too easy".

Levels Damage Mods
1 - 33 10 Short Barrel, Muzzle Brake, High Velocity
33 - 35 11 50% chance to spawn with (Long Barrel, Compensator, Armor-Piercing Rounds, Hair Trigger)
36 - 37 11 Long Barrel, Compensator, Armor-Piercing Rounds, Hair Trigger
38 - 44 15 Long Barrel, Compensator, Armor-Piercing Rounds, Hair Trigger
45 - 47 20 Magnetic Rails, Compensator, Depleted Uranium Rounds, High Powered
48 - 57 26 Magnetic Rails, Compensator, Depleted Uranium Rounds, High Powered
58+ 33 Magnetic Rails, Compensator, Depleted Uranium Rounds, High Powered