
Item: Bridger
Type Heavy
Editor ID Bridger
Ref ID Base ID 0026D96A
Weapon Characteristics
Physical Physical Damage 127
Ammo SF-icon-40mm XPL Ammo.png 40mm XPL Capacity 4
Fire Rate 5 Range 40
Accuracy 63.4% Mods 6
Mass Weight 5.500000 Value Credit.png8190
The default Bridger

The Bridger is a semi-auto heavy weapon manufactured by Laredo Firearms. It is a pump-action grenade launcher, adorned with the markings "Loredo Bridger Rocket Launcher" and "XTH-60".

Weapon QualitiesEdit

Quality type Damage Value
Common 127 8190
Calibrated 181 11057
Refined 240 14927
Advanced 307 21271


Location Count
Avoidance Test Cell 1
  Centaurian Arsenal (map) 2
Lance Estate (map) 1
  Laredo Firearms (map) 5
Mech Factory - Smelting 1
  Civilian Outpost (random) 1
  Civilian Outpost (random) 1
HopeTown World 1
  Industrial Outpost (random) 1
  Mining Outpost (random) 1
  Shaw Gang Hideout (map) 1
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