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Starstations are stations of varying size in orbit around a moon or planet.
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Autonomous Staryard — An abandoned staryard orbiting Volii Psi in the Volii System. It is no longer operating and the robots have taken over. (map)
Deimos Staryard — A major United Colonies staryard near Deimos. (map)
Nova Galactic Staryard — A staryard near Earth's Moon. It is no longer operating and spacers have taken up residence. (map)
Stroud-Eklund Staryard — A Staryard operated by Stroud-Eklund that orbits the moon Dalvik in the Narion System. (map)
Trident Luxury Lines Staryard — A Staryard orbiting Akila, specializing in luxury ships. (map)
Other Starstations[edit]
Chop Shop — A illegal ship salvaging station run by Hannibal Eutropio (map)
Deserted Trade Authority Starstation — A trade authority starstation that has been overrun by Spacers (map)
Etherea Ruins — A ruined starstation located in the Wolf System. (map)
Polvo Station — A starstation which cannot be entered or interacted with. (map)
SY-920 — A classified UC research station in orbit around Luyten's Rock. (map)
Starstation RE-939 — An explorable starstation located in the Alpha Centauri System. (map)
Starstation UCN-48 — An abandoned Serpent's Crusade era starstation coopted as a covert base of operations by Va'ruun agents. (map)
The Almagest — A starstation in orbit around Nesoi. The station is an abandoned zero-G casino, currently occupied by spacers. (map)
The Clinic — A state-of-the art medical facility aboard a starstation. (map)
The Den — A starstation located in the Wolf System. (map)
The Eye — A starstation owned by Constellation and maintained by Vladimir Sall. The Eye serves as a deep space scanner. (map)
The Sonder — A starstation located in the Bessel System, orbiting Bessel II. (map)