
Item: Lettuce
Type Aid Item
Editor ID Food_Produce_Lettuce
Ref ID Base ID 00092B9B
Mass Weight 0.2 Value Credit.png35
A head of leafy green lettuce. Commonly used as the base for salads, or added to a sandwich.

Lettuce is an aid item.


Location Count
  ECS Constant (map) 3
  Nishina Research Station (map) 5
Nova Galactic Shipyard 1
Quick Test Cell 2
  Red Devils HQ (map) 1
[[Starfield:Sonny Di Falco�s Estate|Sonny Di Falco�s Estate]] 5
Stoneroot Inn 1
Subsurface Garage 2
  The Clinic (map) 1
  The Lodge (map) 1
  The Pit Stop (map) 1
  CM Station RC-1 (map) 1
  Crucible (map) 1
Undisclosed Lab Exterior 1
  Vulture's Roost (map) 2