Starfield:A Light in the Darkness/RAD02 0100 MQ101 OneSmallStep

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Quest: RAD02
Scene: RAD02_0100_MQ101_OneSmallStep
The Crimson Fleet attacked an Argos mining facility on Vectera.
"Looks like some Crimson Fleet brainiac figured out it's easier to hit stationary targets than dogfighting in the 'Field."
"And... you are an eye witness with the courtesy to find us instead of being chased down. Refreshing."
"So what were the pirates doing there? It's not their usual M.O."
... Companion Reaction
Andreja Oh, yes. I am not quite sure I have heard this entire story.
(script note: minor amusement (not too much) knowing the player *should* try and lie to cover up the real story)
Barrett Oh, yeah, that... uh. I don't remember much...
Uh, you can take it from here, Captain.
(script note: He was knocked out by pirates)
Sam Coe I never did get the full story on this. Wish I had some popcorn.
Sarah Morgan Tell them about the ore. That was quite a lucrative operation.
(script note: you're hinting for the Player not to give away anything about Constellation funding the dig site before the Player says anything)
... Player Response
Constellation commissioned the dig. The Crimson Fleet wanted the proceeds. [QE111] Bad blood between the fabled Constellation and the Crimson Fleet?
Has all the markings of what we in the SSNN call a story.
I have no idea. Just glad I survived. [QE112] Same here. Interviewing corpses isn't my forte.
We were mining beryllium, iron, and some rare minerals. Easy credits for them. [QE113] Rare minerals, you say? That would be worth the price of admission.
"So what's your role in all this? Part of a tour group?"
... Player Response
I'd rather keep my name and role out of the story. [QE121] The old anonymous source. A dance I know all too well.
I ran the whole dig. Supervisor <Alias=Player> at your service. [QE122] I'd tip my hat, but I seem to have misplaced it.
Your people pulled a hell of a thing off.
I was one of the miners. [QE123] Huh. I didn't realize Argos Extractors hired such capable crew.
[MQ101?] I worked for Argos, now I'm with Constellation. [QE124] An actual member of Constellation graces my office.
Do we bow? Maybe smoke a pipe?
"So we've covered the basics. How about any harrowing tales of derring do? "
"How'd a bunch of miners triumph?"
... Player Response
I took point on defense with my handy mining laser. [QE131] *whistle* Are those things rated for bad guys?
🗣︎ I killed the whole lot of them single-handedly. By yourself? Uh-huh. We deal with fact, not fiction here.
So try again.
The mining crew banded together and fought them off. With mining lasers. [QE132] Huh. Sounds like a good outfit. The heroic miner is a good angle.
We had help. Barrett, a member of Constellation, and his robot Vasco. [QE134] How heartwarming. Constellation banding together with some dusty miners. I like it.
I don't really remember, it was chaos. [QE133] Sounds like you've been through the wringer.
I won't press any more.
[QE199] "This is a good local story, plucky miners band together and punch above their weight."
"If you ever get more stories like this, drop by."
"And take this to cover any incidentals or other creative ways to pad out an expense report. "