Starfield:Tau Gourmet Production Center

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Industrial Outpost:
Tau Gourmet Production Center
(view on map)
Tau Ceti II
Tau Ceti System

Tau Gourmet Production Center is is a defunct meat processing facility on Tau Ceti II.

It was designed to make fresh food cheap available everywhere. The Idea was to let the livestock and crops grow naturally and use automation for harvest and processing.[1]

The facility is built into an UC military base abandoned after the Colony War. It was build by five entrepreneurial individuals:
Kote Caudillo: general vision, crop/livestock selection, vendor coordination, inter-expertise arbitration
Ian: system design/implementation, automation programming
Maria: facility restoration, defense installtion, facility maintenance, automation maintenance
Andre: crop/livestock cultivation, recipe generation, provisioning
Lambert: security, survival training[2]


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When you approach the facility from your ship landing place in the east you will first pass another ship that you can't access.
The eastmost building you will reach is the common quarters, a small, two story, multi room living quater for people living at the facility. It's built on a ridge overlooking the actual processing center, a large scaffolding connecting the two. The building is surrounded by machinery and has turrets for defense.
Between the common quarters and the proper facility are a landing pad that is currently occupied by a wrecked ship, a outside storage area and a container berth.

Common Quarters[edit]

The lower story is an office and workshop with bathrooms. In the main room you can find the The New Atlantian 01 on a workbench, Tau Gourmet :: Common Quarters on the center desk and a Pharmaceutical Lab. On the scaffolding surrounding the lower story you can find a Spacesuit Workbench.
The upper story has a combined cafeteria and common room and a bunk room. The cafeteria has a Cooking Station. The scaffolding surrounding the upper story has a Weapons Workbench.
The east side of the building has a canopied outside storage area.


Evisceration is the building to the north-east. It's roof and Dressing's roof are connected by a bridge. It has one working turret on the south side facing Dressing.


Dressing is the building to the south-east. It's roof is connected by a bridges to Evisceration' roof and another bridge to Preservation/Sanitation's roof. It's second story is connected to Preservation/Sanitation's second story by a bridge. It has one working turret on the west side facing Preservation/Sanitation, and three working turrets on the north side facing Evisceration.


Preservation/Sanitation is the building to the south-west.


Security is a building in the center north between Preservation/Sanitation and Quality Control. It has two working turrets on the east side facing Dressing.


Packaging is a building in the center north between Preservation/Sanitation and Quality Control. It has three working turrets on the north side facing Quality Control.

Quality Control[edit]

Quality Control is the building to the north-west. It has three working turrets on the south side facing Packaging.

Power breakers[edit]

Locations of the power breakers needed during Grunt Work are:

  1. Inside Packaging (Kill Lane A)
  2. Roof of Quality Control (Kill Lane A)
  3. Roof of Evisceration (Kill Lane B)
  4. Roof of Dressing (Kill Lane B)
  5. Roof of Preservation/Sanitation (Kill Lane C)
  6. Ground level outside the west side of Preservation/Sanitation (Kill Lane C)

Magazines, Slates, and Terminals

The New Atlantian 01 Magazine The New Atlantian Permanently grans the recipe for The Deep food item. On a table on the ground floor of the first building closest to where the ship has landed.
Tau Gourmet :: Common Quarters Terminal
Tau Gourmet :: Evisceration (Admin) Terminal
Tau Gourmet :: Livestock Terminal
Tau Gourmet :: Security Terminal

Related Missions[edit]

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