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Waiting on Shattered Space.
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SF Planet Va'ruun'kai.png
Alternative Names Kavnyk I-b
Orbital Characteristics
Star Kavnyk
Inclination Unknown
Semi- Major Axes Unknown
Semi-Minor Axes Unknown
Eccentricity Unknown
Apoapsis Unknown
Orbital Period
Satallites None
Physical Characteristics
Astronomical Class Moon
Type Rock
Surface Gravity 9.80665 m/s
(Exactly 1G)
Temperature Temperate
Atmosphere High 02
Magnetosphere Average
Life yes
Mean Radius Unknown
Mean Density Unknown
Axial Tilt Unknown
Rotation Rate Unknown
Mass Unknown

Va'ruun'kai (Originally called Kavnyk I-b) is a moon situated within the Kavnyk System, serving as the home-world of House Va'ruun. The people of House Va'ruun believe that the Great Serpent led them to this place and await its return.


In 2190, the colony ship Archimedes, which had departed from New Atlantis, vanished during a final Grav Jump from Mars into deep space.

in 2191, the Archimedes resurfaced in the uncharted Kavnyk System. One of its passengers, Jinan Va'ruun, reported a transformative experience during the final Grav Jump, claiming to have communicated with a celestial entity he later identified as the Great Serpent. He asserted that what had seemed like mere seconds for the other passengers felt like an eternity for him. Following this revelation, Va'ruun presented a mandate urging colonists to follow him or face annihilation when the Great Serpent encircles the universe in an event he called "the Shrouding." This proclamation garnered him a devoted following.

By 2191, colonization efforts on Kavnyk I-b had commenced, with Jinan Va'ruun taking charge instead of the designated Colonial Council. He established the capital city, naming it Dazra, and in gratitude, the inhabitants named their moon Va'ruun'kai.


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