
Groats are domesticated creatures, native to Va'ruun'kai. They are described as smelly, cantankerous creatures. It is noted that their milk is a staple in the diet of members of House Va'ruun.
In Va'ruun culture, every child is entrusted with a pet groat. Va'ruun children are entrusted to raise, care for, and milk the creature as they, and the groat mature. When the time comes that the child comes of age they are then tasked with slaughtering their groat in order to then recover and fashion its skull into a dagger. This is done to demonstrate their connection to the Great Serpent, that all things serve the Serpent, and that they can be tools for his use, in more ways than just one. Every member of House Va'ruun has a groat skull dagger and is instructed to keep it at their side at all times.