Serpentis IV
(view on map)
Type Rock
System Serpentis System
Gravity 0.88 G
Temperature Temperate (6°)
Atmosphere High O2
Magnetosphere Average
Fauna Abundant (13)
Flora Abundant (6)
Water Chemical








Traits SF-planet trait-Amphibious Foothold.svg Amphibious Foothold
  • 61% Ocean
  • 14% Frozen Crevasses
  • 5% Wetlands (5 fauna, 4 flora)
  • 5% Coniferous Forest (5 fauna, 4 flora)
  • 10% Savanna (5 fauna, 4 flora)
  • 5% Mountains (5 fauna, 3 flora)
Serpentis IV

Serpentis IV is a planet in the Serpentis System. It has one moon Serpentis IV-a.


Name Resource Biome Outpost Production Allowed
Herding Leafbug Grazer Nutrient Coniferous Forest, Mountains Yes
Grabber Geophage Sealant Coniferous Forest, Mountains Yes
Pack Scorpion Ornamental Coniferous Forest, Mountains No
Flocking Blistercrab Herbivore Structural Coniferous Forest, Mountains Yes
Nautilus Grazer Amino Acids Coniferous Forest, Mountains, Wetlands, Savanna No
Herding Crab Herbivore Metabolic Agent Wetlands Yes
Hunting Coralcrawler Sealant Wetlands No
Seahorse Herbivore Membrane Wetlands Yes
Carasnail Scavenger Spice Wetlands Yes
Herding Tuskfrog Filterer Analgesic Savanna Yes
Herding Cutterhead Grazer Nutrient Savanna Yes
Pack Clickbeetle Sedative Savanna No
Centiskull Filterer Toxin Savanna Yes


Name Resource Biome Outpost Production Allowed
Enduring Bugleweed Metabolic Agent Coniferous Forest, Mountains Yes
Crag Root Toxin Coniferous Forest, Mountains No
Satellite Ghostvine Sealant Coniferous Forest, Mountains, Wetlands, Savanna No
Swamp Bottle Root Fiber Coniferous Forest, Wetlands, Savanna Yes
Hardy Woundwort Nutrient Wetlands, Savanna Yes
Rotting Stinkroot Structural Wetlands, Savanna Yes


Biome Flora Fauna Minerals
Coniferous Forest Enduring Bugleweed, Crag Root, Satellite Ghostvine, Swamp Bottle Root Herding Leafbug Grazer, Grabber Geophage, Pack Scorpion, Flocking Blistercrab Herbivore, Grabber Geophage, Nautilus Grazer (?)
Mountains Enduring Bugleweed, Crag Root, Satellite Ghostvine Herding Leafbug Grazer, Grabber Geophage, Pack Scorpion, Flocking Blistercrab Herbivore (?)
Wetlands Satellite Ghostvine, Swamp Bottle Root, Hardy Woundwort, Rotting Stinkroot Nautilus Grazer, Herding Crab Herbivore, Hunting Coralcrawler, Seahorse Herbivore, Carasnail Scavenger (?)
Savanna Satellite Ghostvine, Swamp Bottle Root, Hardy Woundwort, Rotting Stinkroot Nautilus Grazer, Herding Tuskfrog Filterer, Herding Cutterhead Grazer, Pack Clickbeetle, Centiskull Filterer (?)
Frozen Crevasses None None None
Ocean None None None
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  • Datamines indicate that the display name of the planet in the current game build doesn't match their code name
    • Serpentis IV is called Va'ruun'kai
      • Va'ruun'kai is the home planet of House Va'ruun, in the current game build the Serpentis IV doesn't match the Fauna or Flora of Va'ruun'kai.