Template:Creature Summary
From Starfield Wiki
This template creates an infobox for use on all Creature pages. It includes the appropriate bread crumb trails and categories. It can be used on Morrowind, Tribunal, Bloodmoon, Oblivion, and Shivering Isles pages.
Parameter | Scope | Description |
titlename | optional | Creature's name as displayed at the top of the infobox. Generally NOT needed; will default to use PAGENAME. Only needed when pagename contains extra information (i.e., disambiguation). |
altname | optional | Creature's name as used in category tags. Generally NOT needed: will default to use PAGENAME. Only needed when the creature's name starts with "The" or "A" to fix the alphabetization of categories. |
lorepage | optional | Name of the relevant Lore page to display below the creature's name. Only the page name itself is required, not the Lore: prefix. Note that this works differently from NPC Summary due to the large number of instances where a lore link would be undesirable.
refid | optional | Creature's reference FormID. Multiple IDs should be separated with a comma. refid and baseid should be used in place of the standard id parameter for any creatures that are unique and therefore have a uniquely defined reference ID.
baseid | optional | Creature's base FormID. Multiple IDs should be separated with a comma. |
refidhover baseidhover |
optional | Whether hover text should be used. If so, ID format becomes: id1,hover1,id2,hover2 .
mod | optional | Name of mod that adds creature (if not in baseline version of game). |
city | optional | Creature's "Home City" (formatted as a link to appropriate page). |
house | optional | Name of the "House" where this creature lives (if not a merchant). |
loc | optional | "Location" where creature can be found (if not in a city or in a house) N.B. generally creatures will have city+house or just loc set. All three of city, house and loc are not intended to be used together but they are provided as redundant options so that an appropriate place-related box can be created for any creature.
species | optional | Species. If speciescat is not provided species should be a plain word, i.e., not a link. If speciescat is provided, it can be a plain word or a link to the appropriate species page.
speciescat | optional | Species to be used for page's category: not as a link, singular. Generally not needed: will default to use species . Only needed when creature is a non-standard species without a category. Can be set to "none" to prevent any species category from being added to page.
tribe | optional | Creature's tribe - use for goblins and other tribal creatures. |
level | optional | Creature's level |
type | optional | Creature's type (e.g. Daedra, Undead, etc.) |
gold | optional | Merchants' gold (only needed for merchants). |
sells | optional | List of items sold by merchant. |
buys | optional | List of types of items bought by merchant, corresponding to CS categories. |
repair | optional | Set to Yes for creatures that offer repair services. |
health | required | Creature's health. |
magicka | required | Creature's magicka. |
stamina | optional | Creature's stamina. |
essential | optional | Is Creature essential: Always, Sometimes, Never. |
protected | optional | Is creature protected? Yes or empty. |
follower | optional | Is Creature a follower? Provide link to relevant quests. |
faction | optional | Factions to which Creature belongs. |
attack | required | Creature's attacks, bulleted list. |
abilities | optional | Creature's passive abilities - resistances, weaknesses, etc. |
drops | optional | Any items carried by creature (or added to their corpse on death). |
image | optional | The name of an image file for this Creature, just the file name. Set to none if there is no image.
imgdesc | required if image provided |
Description of image. |
tablewidth | optional | Width of overall table. Normally only needed if infobox is being embedded in another table, in which case set it to 100%. |
nocat | optional | If set, will not put page into any categories. |
notrail | optional | If set to "yes", the breadcrumb trail normally created by the template is suppressed (for cases where multiple templates are used on one page or when used for a generic NPC. |
nosave | optional | If specified, the NPC information will not be saved. This is most useful on pages with multiple summaries where the information conflicts but one NPC Summary is considered the primary one to use. |
{{Creature Summary |refid=00091AAA |baseid=00091AA9 |loc=[[Oblivion:Nenyond Twyll|Nenyond Twyll]] |species=Zombie |type=Undead |level=lvl-1 |health=50×(lvl-1) |magicka=N/A |attack=*10+((lvl-1)/2) pts melee, unarmed |abilities=*[[Oblivion:Resist Frost|Resist Frost]] 30% *[[Oblivion:Resist Magic|Resist Magic]] 30% *[[Oblivion:Resist Poison|Resist Poison]] 100% *[[Oblivion:Weakness to Fire|Weakness to Fire]] 60% |drops=*Minor Loot (15%) *Mort Flesh |image=Mucianus_Allias.jpg |imgdesc=Mucianus Allias, what's left of him... |faction={{Faction|CreatureFaction}}, {{Faction|Mucianus Zombie Faction}}, {{Faction|Necromancers}} }}
Creature Summary (00091AAA, 00091AA9) |
Location | Nenyond Twyll | ||
Species | Zombie | ||
Difficulty | lvl-1 | Type | Undead |
RefID | 00091AAA | BaseID | 00091AA9 |
Attacks | |||
Abilities | |||
Other Information | |||
Health Multiplier | ×50×(lvl-1) | Temperament | |
Faction(s) | CreatureFaction, Mucianus Zombie Faction, Necromancers | ||
Drops | |||
File:OB-creature-Mucianus Allias.jpg
Mucianus Allias, what's left of him...