Starfield:The Lodge/Convo19 SarahBarrett

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Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo19_SarahBarrett
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene19


  • Hey, Sarah. You holding up okay? Can't be easy being in charge of all this.


  • I didn't exactly need a reminder, but I'm doing fine.
  • Barrett, expressing actual, honest concern? I am shocked!
  • You needn't fear, Barrett. Possibly the biggest mystery in history rests on our - my - shoulders, but I'm sure it will be fine.


  • Unless, of course, you're suggesting you'd like to take over?
  • I don't suppose you're after the job, are you?
  • Why, would you care to take the reins for a while?


  • We both know I am the last person that should have that kind of responsibility.
  • Oh, no thank you! I am quite content with my lot.
  • Not a chance! I'm glad I dodged that bullet!


  • But hey, you know where to find me if you ever need anything, okay?
  • I am glad to know you're all right, though.
  • We're all here for you if you need us. Remember that.