Starfield:The Lodge/Convo09 SamMatteo

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Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo09_SamMatteo
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene09


  • She still won't tell me, Sam!
  • No luck, Sam! I can't get it out of her!
  • I got nothing, Sam. Nothing! She won't tell me!


  • Absolutely. Totally. Uhm, who are you talking about?
  • Hang on. I think you're missing a noun there. Who is "she"?
  • That's one way to start a conversation. So... who is this mysterious "she"?


  • Andreja. I keep asking where she's from, and she keeps dodging the question. It's driving me crazy!
  • Come on, you know... I've asked Andreja where she came from, and she just won't tell me. At all. I can't take it!
  • I have asked where Andreja comes from, like a hundred times, and she just will not even give me a hint!


  • With tack [sic] like yours, it's a wonder she hasn't told you all her secrets by now.
  • She's one of us, Matteo. No need to give her the third degree.
  • Again with this? Matteo, you've... You've gotta let this go. It's getting unhealthy.


  • No, I just... Something about her story just doesn't add up for me.
  • I'm just saying... We don't really know a lot about her. It's weird, right?
  • Come on, seriously. She's beyond secretive. It's weird!


  • You gotta let this go. Everybody's got things they'd rather keep to themselves.
  • We all got a past here. Constellation works because everyone respects each other and let's [sic] the good ol' days stay in the good ol' days.
  • If she didn't have secrets, that would be even weirder. Give her space.


  • Vladimir has vouched for her time and time again, and she's come through for us every time. It's okay to not know every little thing but still trust someone.
  • From everything I've seen she's been a pure positive for Constellation. Heck, Sarah vouched for her. Good enough for me.
  • Vladimir and Sarah both brought her in, and have never had a bad thing to say. So she likes to keep her distance - her prerogative. Just relax.


  • Yeah, I guess you're right.
  • Okay, yeah. You're right. I'll try and let it go.
  • Yeah, I suppose. I'll try to not let it bother me... But no promises.