Starfield:The Lodge/Convo03 AndrejaMatteo
From Starfield Wiki
Quest: | DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo03_AndrejaMatteo |
Scene: | DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene03 |
- So, Andreja... Where did you say you were from?
- Hey, I forget... Where in the Settled Systems did you say you grew up?
- We were talking that one time, and you said you were from... where? I can't remember.
- I have never mentioned that. Ever.
- Where I grew up has never been a subject of discussion.
- I have never discussed that.
- Oh, okay... Sorry, must've confused you with someone else. If you ever want to swap stories, though...
- Ah, my fault. Bit of a mixup, then. Well, if you ever want to sit down and laugh about the good old days...
- No? Huh. I must have mis-remembered. Well, if you ever did want to talk about it, I'd be happy to lend an ear.
- Thank you, but that is not a subject I wish to discuss.
- No thank you. But I appreciate your... curiosity.
- I do not think so. But thank you for your interest.
- Okay. Gotcha. Good talk.
- Right, then. I'll just... go.
- Mmm-hmm. Some other time, then...