Starfield:Tau Gourmet :: Security

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Tau Gourmet :: Security
Editor ID UC02_SecurityHubTerminal
Location SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Tau Gourmet Production Center (map)
Related Quest SF-qico-UC Vanguard.svgGrunt Work: Investigate a comms blackout on Tau Ceti II.

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Tau Gourmet :: Remote Security Connection
:: STATUS: Multiple warnings received
:: Please select an option from the list below:
Security System Connection Status (Go to Security System Connection Status menu.)
Automated Defenses (Go to UC02_SecurityHubTerminal_AutomatedDefensesSubterminal menu.)
Tracking System (Go to UC02_SecurityHubTerminal_TrackingSubterminal menu.)
Security Logs :: SECURITY LOGS
:: 18.118.14
Equipment drop today. Additional materials for the livestock tracking system Ian's cooking up.
Couple predators came over the ridge last night. Maria was up, so she took a couple shots at them, drove them off. Those turrets can't get here soon enough.
Got the turrets delivered at long last. Once those're installed, no one needs to night watch anymore. Our lives are about to get a whole lot better.
Took multiple days on ladders, but the turrets are hooked up and ready to go. Good bye, night shift.
I may have been hasty. Turned the things on for the first time last night and blew out the grid. Rewiring starts today.
Okay. Couple more tests of the system, and I think we're finally ready for prime time. All the automation they're trying to build into this place draws a lot more power than we initially planned for.
Some technical materials, and more excitedly, feed dropped off today. Finally getting perishables at long last. Seems like this might be truly happening.
Security System Connection Status
:: Admin connection lost
:: Server connection lost
:: All external functionality locked
Reset connection?
Reset Security Connection
Reset Security Connection :: INPUT RECEIVED
:: ERROR: Admin input required!
:: Proceed to admin terminal (Evisceration Bldg.) to initiate reconnection protocol.