Lab Control Computer | |
Editor ID | MQ207C_Nishina02_I_LabControlTerminal (Original) MQ207C_Nishina02_II_LabControlTerminal (Alternate) |
Location |
Lab Control Computer controls for the experiment in the High Energy Lab at Nishina. The computer is capable of calibrating the experiment, as well as some analysis. To calibrate, follow Probe Calibration Protocol which outlines how to degauss and calibrate the probe to a specific frequency.
During the course of the mission Entangled, this computer can be optionally used to complete the experiment and collapse the universes into a single universe.
Lab Control Terminal | |
Lab Controls | (Go to Lab Controls |
Lab Controls | |
Initialization | (Go to MQ207C_Nishina02_LabControlTerminal_Initialization |
Degaussing | (Go to Degaussing |
Frequency Calibration | (Go to Frequency Calibration |
Gravitic Analysis | (Go to MQ207C_Nishina02_LabControlTerminal_GraviticAnalysis |
Magnetic Analysis | (Go to MQ207C_Nishina02_LabControlTerminal_MagneticAnalysis |
Degaussing | |
Status: INACTIVE | |
Initiate Degaussing | ERROR: All Power Interlocks must be engaged in order to analyze magnetic interference. |
Initiate Degaussing | ERROR: All Power Interlocks must be engaged in order to analyze magnetic interference. |
Initiate Degaussing | |
Initiate Degaussing | |
Frequency Calibration | |
Status: INACTIVE | |
Initiate Frequency Calibration | ERROR: All Power Interlocks must be engaged before initiating Frequency Calibration. |
Initiate Frequency Calibration | ERROR: All Power Interlocks must be engaged before initiating Frequency Calibration. |
Initiate Frequency Calibration | WARNING: Magnetic interference detected. WARNING: Magnetic interference has propagated throughout the system. Degauss all Power Interlocks before initating Frequency Calibration. |
Initiate Frequency Calibration | WARNING: Magnetic interference detected. WARNING: Magnetic interference has propagated throughout the system. Degauss all Power Interlocks before initating Frequency Calibration. |
Initiate Frequency Calibration | Initialization complete. Frequency Calibration controls are now available. |
Initiate Frequency Calibration | Initialization complete. Frequency Calibration controls are now available. |
20 GHz | |
22 GHz | |
24 GHz | |
26 GHz | |
28 GHz | |
30 GHz | |
32 GHz | |
34 GHz | |
36 GHz | |
38 GHz | |
40 GHz |