Starfield:Home Shopper
From Starfield Wiki
There are two Home Shoppers that can be encountered near Apollo Tower in New Atlantis. They will take part in a short conversation when encountered.
- Home Shopper 1: "Last stop. Apollo."
- Home Shopper 2: "My favorite."
- Home Shopper 1: "And we can afford it? Mercury is much cheaper."
- Home Shopper 2: "Got the mortgage approval signed and ready with GalBank. Apollo's got the best view of the city. And it's closer to NAT."
- Home Shopper 1: "Like by 30 feet!"
- Home Shopper 2: "Like I said, it's closer."
Related Missions[edit]
Residential: Apollo Home Buyers: Two Home Shoppers consider purchasing an apartment in Apollo Tower
Individual NPCs[edit]
Home Shopper (00181B97) |
Editor ID | City_NA_FABQ02_HomeShopper01 | ||
Race | Human | Gender | Female |
RefID | N/A | BaseID | 00181B97 |
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | For City Life Characters, United Colonies, NewAtlantisFaction |
This Home Shopper wears Leather Streetwear, carries a weapon with ammo for protection, and can carry aid items.
She has a few unique greetings:
- "We've seen 7 apartments so far."
- "The apartments are all bleeding together to me."
- "So many of the floor plans are cookie-cutter."
Home Shopper (00181DF1) |
Editor ID | City_NA_FABQ02_HomeShopper02 | ||
Race | Human | Gender | Female |
RefID | N/A | BaseID | 00181DF1 |
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | For City Life Characters, United Colonies, NewAtlantisFaction |
This Home Shopper wears Neon Clublife Skirt, carries a weapon with ammo for protection, and can carry aid items.
She also has a few unique greetings:
- "Hope you're not here for the apartment on the 8th floor. We're calling dibs."
- "I can't believe we're finally buying our own place!"
- "I mean, technically Orion is closer to the heart of the city. But NAT access is more important."