Starfield:Creators' Peace

SF-icon-Creators' Peace.png
Creators' Peace
Base: (002C538D) Perk: (0025e19a)
Fill your foes with the silent calm of the universe, compelling them to temporarily abandon their weapons.
Temple Temple Nu Artifact Artifact NU
Power Cost 25

Creators' Peace is a profound cosmic power obtainable from the artifacts.

This power has an area of 10 and a duration of 10 seconds.


All powers start at rank 1 when first obtained. On subsequent NG+, when the power is obtained its rank increases by one, to a maximum of 10.

The exact effect of increasing attack damage on this power is unknown.

Rank Attack Damage
1 100%
2 105%
3 110%
4 115%
5 120%
6 125%
7 130%
8 135%
9 140%
10 150%


Rip weapons from the hands of enemies within <area>.

Fill your foes with the silent calm of the universe, compelling them to temporarily abandon their weapons.