Main Page/Did You Know

  • ... that Starfield features over 1,000 planets situated in over 100 different star systems?
  • ... that Starfield was originally trademarked on March 22, 2013?
  • ... that most players in Starfield are killed by Ecliptic?
  • ... that Starfield is the most played new RPG of 2023?[1]
  • ... that Starfield has over 13 million players? (as of December 2023)
  • ... that the most used weapon in Starfield is the Beowulf?
  • ... that the most used food in Starfield is Battlemeal Multipack?
  • ... that the most used power in Starfield is Sense Star Stuff?
  • ... that the most dangerous lifeform in Starfield is the Ashta?

The above are transcluded onto the Main Page. The facts come from any articles on the wiki, with the newest facts on top. Other than the most recent additions, the rest of the facts are randomly selected for display on the main page.