Template:Faction Link/List
From Starfield Wiki
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Taiyo Astroneering (Division of Ryujin Industries): a known manufacturer of modules for starships.
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Arboron (Division of Ryujin Industries): a weapons manufacturing company specializing in EM weapons.
DRONE (Division of Ryujin Industries): a subsidiary of Ryujin Industries, responsible for making and selling industrial robots for use on ships and spaceports, most notably the Mini Bot series.
Taiyo Astroneering (Division of Ryujin Industries): a known manufacturer of modules for starships.
- Tranquilitea (Division of Ryujin Industries): a company specializing in the brewing and sale of tea.
Aegis (Division of United Colonies): The primary intelligence agency of the United Colonies.
MAST (Division of United Colonies): The governing body of the United Colonies.
UC Marines (Division of United Colonies): The ground forces of the United Colonies military.
UC Navy (Division of United Colonies): The space force of the United Colonies military.
UC Security (Division of United Colonies): The police force of the United Colonies, responsible for keeping the peace and enforcing the law across the UC.