Starfield:Vanguard Space Tactics 05

Book Information
ID 002009D4
Editor ID Skill_Magazine_UCVanguardSpaceCombatTactics05
Prev. Vanguard Space Tactics 04 Next
Value 100 Weight 0
Magazine Vanguard Space Tactics (Issue 5)
Type Magazine
Found in the following locations:

SF-mapicon-Starstation.svg The Sonder (map), as soon as you enter head towards the left-hand sided room and walk along the hallway until you reach a large door with its walls painted yellow. Follow the entire corridor until you reach a room where a soda vending machine is on the floor sideways. Turn left and enter the room where workbenches are located. The magazine will be located on a large counter next to a storage container.

SF-magazine-Vanguard Space Tactics 01.png
Vanguard Space Tactics 05

[Test Text Do Not Use] UC Vanguard Space Tactics: How to turn your ship into a weapon.