Starfield:Town Hall Terminal

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Town Hall Terminal
Editor ID BQ01_Terminal_TownHall
Location Town Hall (map)
Related Quest SF-qico-Misc.svgBreach of Contract: Clear the name of Barrett's deceased husband.

Please add a description for Town Hall Terminal.

<Add description of terminal>


Town Hall
The Gagarin Town Hall is currently closed for renovations.

Re-opening date is scheduled for: TBD

Licenses, Applications, and Permits (Applications) (Go to Licenses, Applications, and Permits menu.)
File a complaint Sorry, the complaints inbox is at capacity.

Please try again later.

Licenses, Applications, and Permits
Available civilian applications:
Mining Permit (Contractor License) Error: Your Argos Extractor permit is still valid.

You do not need to apply again until it expires.

Check Application Status (Go to Check Application Status menu.)
Marriage Application (Marriage Application) (Go to Marriage Application menu.)
Divorce Application Applications and fees for this service are no longer collected.

Any member of the marriage contract may send written notification to city council to divorce themselves from the remaining contract members.

Check Application Status
Lookup Applications by Application ID.
[Enter Ervin's Application ID] Application Type: Hunting License
Applicant: Ervin Madani
Location: H-363
Sponsor, if applicable: Hephaestus Mining Corporation
Date Effective: 06.01.2309
Status: Approved
[Enter Marriage Application ID] You are married to the following individuals:
(1) Amundsen Barrett


[Enter Marriage Application ID] You have (1) marriage application pending.

Please return to your Officiant with any other Applicants to finalize your new marriage.

[Enter Marriage Application ID] Your marriage contract to (Amundsen Barrett) is currently pending:
  • Pay your application fee
    * Officiant confirmation
[Enter Marriage Application ID] Your marriage contract to (Amundsen Barrett) is currently pending:
  • Pay your application fee
[Enter Marriage Application ID] Your marriage contract to (Amundsen Barrett) is currently pending:
  • Officiant confirmation
[Enter Marriage Application ID] Your marriage contract to (Amundsen Barrett) is ready to be submitted.
Marriage Application
Gagarin Marriage Application
  • Complete the Application
    * Pay the Fee
    * Submit Application
Add Officiant (Officiant) (Go to Add Officiant menu.)
Add Applicants (Add Applicants) (Go to Add Applicants menu.)
Select title for Applicant (Self) (Select title for Applicant (Self)) (Go to Select title for Applicant (Self) menu.)
Select title for Applicant (Barrett) (Select title for Applicant (Barrett)) (Go to Select title for Applicant (Barrett) menu.)
Check Application Fees (Check Application Fees) (Go to Check Application Fees menu.)
Submit Application
Add Officiant
An officiant is required to process all marriage license applications.

The officiant must be legally registered.

[Enter Ellie Yankton's Name]
Return to previous menu
Add Applicants
Marriage License Applicants:
  • <Alias=Player>
    * Amundsen Barrett

Confirm selection or add more applicants.

Add Self
Add Barrett
Confirm applicants
Return to previous menu
Select title for Applicant (Self)
You will be referred to as "spouse" in your marriage application.

You may change or confirm this selection below:

Confirm address
Return to previous menu
Select title for Applicant (Barrett)
Barrett will be referred to as "Detective" in your marriage application.

This was set by Barrett remotely and cannot be changed.

Return to previous menu
Check Application Fees
Marriage Application started.

Total fees due: <Global=NPCDemandMoney_Medium> Credits

Pay Application Fee (Personal account)
Pay Application Fee (Barrett's account)
Return to Application