Starfield:The Lodge/Convo01 NoelMatteo
From Starfield Wiki
Quest: | DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo01_NoelMatteo |
Scene: | DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene01 |
- Hey, have you been up to The Eye recently?
- When's the last time you went up to see Vladimir?
- Have you talked to Vladimir recently? Face-to-face, I mean?
- Huh. Guess it's been a while. Why?
- I haven't needed to go up there in a bit. Why?
- Haven't gone up there recently. Is everything okay?
- Oh, I just don't know how he does it. Up there all alone for so long.
- He just goes weeks without seeing anyone. It'd drive me crazy.
- I just wonder if it bothers him, being up there all alone. I sure couldn't do it.
- Some people love that kind of space. Pun intended.
- I'm sure he's fine, but you could always give him a call if you're really worried.
- Aww, I wouldn't worry about it. He really loves it up there.