Starfield:Ship Computer

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Ship Computer
Location SF-mapicon-Staryard.svg Chop Shop (map), in the Sunsail
Related Quest SF-qico-TrackersAlliance.svgBounty: The Starjacker: Hunt down the notorious starjacker Hannibal Eutropio to prove your abilities to the Trackers Alliance.

Ship Computer a computer telling the story of the Sunsail.

Control Room Computer
Ship Logs (Go to Ship Logs menu.)
Inventory (Go to Inventory menu.)
Debug Menu (Go to Debug Menu menu.)
Ship Logs
SOS Any nearby ship recieving this message, please send help, we're being boarded by Spacers!

We're currently trapped in orbit around Groombridge VIII-a I repeat, any nearby ships please send help!

Grav Drive Critical Lost the Grav Drive just outside of Groombridge. I knew it was only a matter of time before the gimbal went. We tried trading for one but no one we've met along the way have had any to spare.

How could that be when those damn things are everywhere!?

Luckily a nearby ship heard our transmission and said they can tow us to a nearby station in Andromas.

Thought we'd be stuck out here forever. Just goes to show, do good things and good things will come.

Rasalhauge Think we have a winner here, Rasalhauge II. The name is a mouthful but the weather's nice and the forests provide some really nice shade.

The native Leechers are suprisingly tasty too. Just need to keep your distance or elese they'll fling their quills at you. Ask me how I know...

We're going to keep looking for now but unless we find somwhere better I think we'll begin settling here very soon!

Jaffa It's been just over a week since we've set off and all lights are green! We've spent the last few days poking around the Jaffa system.

The coasts of Jaffa II are abosluetly breathtaking. Stocked up on water and food before leaving but we may definitely want to come back.

Met with a group of school children on a field trip in the orbit of Jaffa V. Think I may have scared them a little pretending to be a pirate

Oh well hopefully they learned you can't be too careful out here.

Our Journey Begins! It's taken years but we finally managed to scrape just enough together to get this ship. Between the noise and lights, the thieves and crooks, Neon is no place to start a family.

Today the eight of us set off to find greener pastures to begin our new lives. Where are we going? Who knows, but we'll know when we find it.

Many hardships await us but I trust we'll find a way.

Inventory Food/Water:
468 L - Water
116 kg - Protein
180 kg - Grain
50 kg - Preserved foods

34x - Class C Missiles
36,500x - Ballistic Rounds

Spare Prats (DO NOT TRADE):
6x - Positron Battery
4x - Super Cooler Magnet
1x - Isocentered Magnet

1x - Zero G Gimbal <--- We desperately need one.
3x - Reactive gauge
4x - Nuclear Fuel Rod

For Trade:
18x - Zero Wire
3x - Microsecond Regulator
11x - Polytextile
2x - Comm Relay

Debug Menu
Attention: This menu is intended for use only by a ::Class B:: Ship Technician or higher.

Access to this menu has been logged and the ship warranty has been invalidated.

(Offline) ::Life Support System::

(Offline) ::Engine - Thrusters::
(Offline) ::Engine - Grav Drive::
(Online) ::Weapon - Missile Pod::
(Offline) ::Weapon - Port::
(Offline) ::Weapon - Starboard::
(Offline) ::System - Shields::

(Offline) ::Life Support System:: Establishing Connection.

Warning: System is offline. Connection could not be established.

Return to Previous...

(Offline) ::Engine - Thrusters:: Establishing Connection.

Warning: System is offline. Connection could not be established.

Return to Previous...

(Offline) ::Engine - Grav Drive:: Establishing Connection.

Warning: System is offline. Connection could not be established.

Return to Previous...

(Online) ::Weapon - Missile Pod:: Establishing Connection...

Warning: Verify ::Weapon - Missile Pod:: is free of munitions prior to test firing.

Failure to clear munitions may have catastrophic consequnces.

((Execute Test Sequence))
Return to Previous...

((Execute Test Sequence)) Boot Sequences: ((::Atlatl - 270B::))
Warning:: - Fault detected in mounting brackets...
Testing:Arming Sequences...
Testing: Firing Sequences...
::Weapon - Missile Pod:: returned a positive value.
(Offline) ::Weapon - Port:: Establishing Connection.

Warning: System is offline. Connection could not be established.

Return to Previous...

(Offline) ::Weapon - Starboard:: Establishing Connection.

Warning: System is offline. Connection could not be established.

Return to Previous...

(Offline) ::System - Shields:: Establishing Connection.

Warning: System is offline. Connection could not be established.

Return to Previous...