Starfield:Message For Bog (Evidence)

Book Information
Editor ID CFKeyZ01_Evidence_Maddie
Value 0 Weight 0
Collection Crimson Fleet Evidence
Type Note
Related to SF-qico-Crimson Fleet.svgReclaiming the Past: Recover a sentimental ring for The Key's bartender, Bog
SF-qico-Crimson Fleet.svgBurden of Proof: Gather evidence on the Crimson Fleet for UC SysDef.
Found in the following locations:

SF-mapicon-Military Base.svg Deserted Ecliptic Garrison (random), alongside Maddie's Ring at the end of the quest.

Message For Bog
An audio confession that can be used as evidence against Clay Deitrich

It's that time of year again, and here I am. Still carrying your ring, still with Ecliptic, still a goddamn coward.

Why'd you have to stand up for me that night? I was the one that screwed up. I was the one being stupid, and you damn well knew it.

I didn't want to kill you... but they left me no choice... and you knew. You knew I'd do it to save myself.

And me? I didn't even have the courage to at least look at you when I pulled the trigger.

I should have let Bog have you. I knew how much he loved you. Hell, you even loved him. I just... didn't care.

I figured the moment you had each other, I'd be alone... Heh. And look at me now.