Starfield:Eulogy for Iris Cho

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Book Information
ID 0036D86D
Editor ID SE_KT08_CorrosiveGasLiquid_AsteroidDamage_EulogyCho
Value 0 Weight 0
Type Note
Found in the following locations:

SF-mapicon-Derelict Ship.svg Derelict Croatoan (random), on Captain Stefanie's corpse

Eulogy for Iris Cho

Iris! I still remember the day you tracked me down at The Broken Spear.

You came at me with a resume and list of qualifications longer than a sporeback's neck. At first I only said "yes" so you'd stop badgering me.

But having you on this crew has been a delight. As a Captain I like to go with the flow. Iris, you measure the flow, graph it, and then come up with a plan to smoothly ride it before we've even set course.

So having your counsel and energy on this ship has been invaluable. And also, he won't admit it, but I think Pete likes you. Sorry Pete. If you're not going to say it, I will.

Your Captain, Stefanie