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Due to the sensitive nature of this template and the fact that it is used on a large number of pages, it has been semi-protected to prevent site-wide damage by vandal bots.
Editors: In order to minimize the impact on our servers, please use sandboxes to make and test changes to widely used templates before deployment.
For more information, please see this article's talk page.


# Buys #
# This template will analyze a string and generate a list of icons based on the words within that      #
# string.  It is meant to be used on Merchant pages to indicate which types of items they trade.  It   #
# takes one required parameter, and one optional one.  The required parameter is unnamed, and must be  #
# the first.  It is a list of words (case-insensitive) indicating the types of items that can be       #
# traded.  Words can be singular or plural, and in some cases, multiple words will generate the same   #
# icon.  Partial words will be recognized, any other words or characters will be ignored.  The words   #
# are as follows: (in the order the icons will appear)                                                 #
#   everything - Shorthand for everything except stolen                                                #
#   weapon - Weapons                                                                                   #
#   spacesuit - Spacesuits                                                                             #
#   pack - Packs                                                                                       #
#   helmet - Helmets                                                                                   #
#   apparel - Apparel (clothing and hats)                                                              #
#   throwable - Throwables                                                                             #
#   ammo - Ammo                                                                                        #
#   food- Food                                                                                         #
#   alcohol - Alcohol                                                                                  #
#   aid - Aid                                                                                          #
#   resource - Resources                                                                               #
#   misc - Miscellaneous Items                                                                         #
#   stolen- Stolen Items (Fence)                                                                       #
# Optional Parameters:                                                                                 #
#   nocat (2rd parameter) - This will display the icons and/or text but not add the categories to the  #
#     page.  Putting anything into this parameter will omit the categories.  Omit it to include them.  #