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StarfieldWiki:Featured Images

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Featured Articles FA Gallery Past FA Nominations | Featured Images FI Gallery Past FI Nominations
Featured star.svg

Featured Images are images the wiki's users deem to be of the highest quality and should be held up as an example for other images. Images are nominated for this status below. Users then review the nominees, keeping in mind Starfield Wiki's image standards, and place their vote.

For an image to be eligible for Featured status, it must be used in a Starfield Wiki article. This is to prevent specially taken beauty shots from stealing the limelight.

A gallery of older Featured Images can be found here. Similarly, the archives of previous nominations can be found here. Note that not all failed nominations are included. High-quality articles can be nominated for featured status at Featured Articles.

Featured Image Process


Any registered member (once autoconfirmed) can nominate any image at any time. Nominated images should be of high quality and meet the wiki's image standards.

To nominate an image, list it at the bottom of this page with a three-tier heading, (===Example===), and briefly explain why you think the image should be given featured status.



This is another great image. It appears cinematic.

  • Support as nominator. — Example 19:38, 03 March 2025 (UTC)


After an image has been nominated, any registered member (once autoconfirmed) can vote to support or oppose each nomination. Each member can only vote once for a given image, but a member may change their vote by striking out the original vote and replacing it with the revised vote.

To vote on an image, state whether you support or oppose the image for featured image status. A vote should be in bold, and all votes must be signed. For example:
* '''Support''': <Comment> --~~~~ or
* '''Oppose''': <Comment> --~~~~

Commenting with your vote is optional, but if you oppose a nomination, please state how the image must be improved to get your support for featured status.

If you are not yet ready to vote but would still like to add your thoughts, you may use:

* '''Comment''': <Comment> --~~~~ or
* '''Question''': <Question> --~~~~

And fill in your concerns or questions.


Wiki Administrators will periodically make decisions on image nominations. Decisions will only be made if:

  • The image has been nominated for more than seven days.
  • Five or more votes have been placed.

Nominations not meeting these criteria will be left open until a decision can be reached.

Images whose nominations pass will receive featured image status on the front page for two weeks (which may be extended up to one month if there is a shortage of images), and receive a small bronze star (Featured star.svg) on the top right corner. If an image achieves featured status before the present featured image's time expires, it must wait its turn.

Current Featured Image

A ship traveling faster than light
21 July, 2024 - TBD

Nominations and Votes



The first major planet you visit, and a frequent place to revisit during your adventure. I'm pretty happy with the image quality, and think it would be a good "first" featured one truly by us.

  • Support: As nominator. --AKB (talk) 22:01, 21 July 2024 (EDT)