Starfield:United Transport Robot

United Transport Robot
Editor ID UC_GG_GenericWorkerRobot_Industrial_UT
Race ModelARace Gender Male
RefID N/A BaseID 0022BE50
Other Information
Faction(s) United Colonies, GagarinFaction
United Transport Robot

A United Transport Robot is a Type-A bipedal chassis built by Lunar Robotics owned by United Transport. You can see them working on Gagarin Landing on Gagarin.


The United Transport Robots have multiple different greetings.

  • "Sustained interruptions will lead to deactivation. I would like to avoid that."
  • "Organizational protocol "controlled chaos" active."
  • "Please ignore the clutter. We have a system."
  • "If you have questions, please approach a designated United Transport spokesperson."
  • "A robot shall not harm a parcel, nor allow a parcel to come to harm through inaction."
  • "Our package loss rate is the envy of the sector."
  • "At United Transport, efficiency is paramount. So, if you would kindly step aside..."

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