Starfield:Security Office Computer (Alternative Universe)
Security Office Computer | |
Editor ID | MQ207C_Nishina01_II_SecurityOfficeTerminal |
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Security Office Computer in the security office at Nishina Research Station in the alternate universe, where the station has been destroyed. See Security Office Computer (Nishina 1 I) for the version in the original universe.
Security Office | |
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Security Logs | |
SECURITY LOG: Revolution 8, Day 64 | [00:00] DAILY LOG OPENED [00:00] Security Chief Ethan Hughes on duty. [00:18] WARNING: POWER SURGE IN: [HIGH ENERGY RESEARCH LAB] [00:21] Rafael is running some test for Maria. Suppressed warning. [00:58] -----EMERGENCY - CLASS-IV----- [00:58] EXPLOSION DETECTED IN: [HIGH ENERGY RESEARCH LAB] [00:58] EMERGENCY LOCKDOWN: ACTIVE [00:58] ERROR: UNABLE TO CONNECT TO RESEARCH LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM [00:58] WARNING: [HYDROGEN GAS] DETECTED IN AIR INTERCHANGE [00:58] WARNING: [PARTICULATES] DETECTED IN AIR INTERCHANGE [00:59] Declared emergency. Senior staff called. [01:34] There's been some kind of explosion in the lab; whole place is locked down. I'm dealing with the lockdown; Maria's looking into the experiment; the Director's on the gas leak. Dr. Barakova is standing by. No word from Rafael. [01:55] WARNING: HYDROGEN CONCENTRATION APPROACHING DANGEROUS LEVELS [02:05] Gas leak is bad. It's coming from the lab. We can't get down there to shut it off. [02:20] ----- EMERGENCY - CLASS-V ----- [02:20] WARNING: HYDROGEN CONCENTRATION AT DANGEROUS LEVELS [02:20] WARNING: IMMEDIATE EVACUATION RECOMMENDED [02:21] Primary circuit to the research level is fried. Can't reconnect because I can't end the lockdown; can't end the lockdown because I can't connect. Can't evac because of the lockdown. Can't shut down the air interchange. One spark, and this whole place goes up like a tinderbox. [02:27] ----- EMERGENCY - CLASS-X ----- [The log ends. This is the most recent log entry.] |
Archived Files | |
Survey Team Report | PLANET: Freya III SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 0.82G HABITABLE ATMOSPHERE: Y HABITABLE TEMPERATURE: Y LOCAL ECOSYSTEM: Complete (Micro, Flora, Fauna) ANALYSIS: Oh, sure, scans look nice. Breathable atmosphere, near-Earth gravity, habitable temps at the mid latitudes, fully-established ecosystem. Maybe even some useful organics. Don't let it fool you. Everything here is out to get you. The apex predators, Cataxi, are burrowing carnivores with near-impenetrable shells and deadly venom. The herbivores are aggressive and wildly territorial. Local flora defends itself with some of the strongest psychotropics we've seen. Even the oceans are polluted with heavy metals and organic compounds that'll melt your skin if you aren't protected. If we have to set up a facility here, we need a high-end electric pulse field to keep the fauna at bay, and a full-time doctor and security team on standby in case some idiot decides to go for a walk. |
Supplemental Report: Cataxi | Cataxi appear to be the native apex predators of Freya III. Resembling large Old Earth scorpions, they are particularly notable for their highly aggressive nature, incredible facility at burrowing, tough chitinous shells, and powerful venom.
In the wild, Cataxi are ambush hunters, digging extensive warrens and using highly-developed vibrational sensillae to detect approaching prey and ambush it from the most opportune vantage. Initial scans suggest Cataxi colonies may extend as far as several kilometers beneath the surface, preying on other burrowing creatures in Freya's extensive cave networks. As Cataxi track their prey with vibrations, they are immune to flash-type grenades. However, a strong vibrational disruptive, like an electric pulse field, should be effective at keeping them at bay. Cataxi have evolved reinforced chitinous plating that makes them highly resistant to conventional impact and ballistic weapons. Initial confrontations suggest cryonics-based energy may be significantly more effective at repulsing them. When their ambush is insufficient, Cataxi rely on neurotoxic venom to fell larger prey. Resistant environmental suits and adequate medical supplies are essential for survival outside a secured perimeter. Cataxi should be considered extremely dangerous, and are to be avoided if at all possible. |
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