Starfield:Riley Onyenwere's Slate

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Book Information
ID 00370994
Editor ID SE_KT07_RobotFriendFoe_Crewman_RileyOnyenwere
Value 0 Weight 0
Type Note
Found in the following locations:

SF-mapicon-Derelict Ship.svg Derelict Nebula (random)

Riley Onyenwere's Slate

I've always had trouble making new friends. In school they used to call me "Qwerty," because I needed a computer to express myself. And when I did talk, I'd say something awkward, and people would laugh.

People think the only time I'm funny is when I don't mean to be.

Well, I disagree! It's not that I don't have a sense of humor, I'm just not used to using my outside voice! I get anxious in big crowds and just clam up.

So I've been trying to practice by talking to one of the Model As on board, who I've affectionately named Qwerty. Why? Because robots are funny even when they don't mean to be, just like me.

But ever since the Spacer attack, I feel like something's changed. I can't quite put my finger on why, but it's like every robot on this ship is stuck in combat mode, and they're constantly on alert. Qwerty won't talk to me about casual things, and what's worse, he'll sometimes forget my name.

I talked to May about it and she said I shouldn't worry. Robots do 3D facial scanning, vocal recognition, and full body biometric data scanning, and cross-reference it with the crew database. I joked that maybe Qwerty should buy me a drink first, and May laughed!

I was so happy that I made a joke in person, I ran to Qwerty to tell him the news. But he didn't even care, he just wanted to patrol the deck. Something's still off.