Starfield:Research Outpost U3-09

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SF-mapicon-Science Lab.svg
Science Lab:
Research Outpost U3-09
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
Unknown (?)
Altair II
Altair System
Outside View of Reseach Outpost: U3-09

Research Outpost U3-09 is a Freestar Collective research lab on Altair II.

The goal of this lab is to study non-terran (not human) life forms in the Settled Systems, and to search for practical uses the various Fauna and Flora can provide, such as; Medicinal, Industrial, or just understanding how life propagates. They work purely on non-military applications, as it's part of their charter.[1]


To edit this section: Research Outpost U3-09 People

Research Outpost U3-09
Captain Myeong
Corporal Lezama
Dr. Adamou Moussa
Private Mahoney
Private Tsai

Magazines, Slates, and Terminals

Doctor Moussa's Concern Note Adamou Moussa documents lost resources from an ongoing attack In Head of Research room.
Draft of Reinforcement Request Note In the Research Lab. After entering the building, open the door to Research 01, open the door to your right.
No More Target Practice Note In the break room.
X-09 Report Note In Head of Research room.

Related Missions[edit]


  1. Corporal Lezama: "What the heck are you guys doing here, anyway? Doctor. Doctor!"
    Dr. Adamou Moussa: "Yes. I mean, yes. Astrobiology. We study non-terran life forms in the Settled Systems."
    "We, uh, seek to understand the various flora and fauna and search for practical uses."
    What sort of uses are we talking about?
    Dr. Adamou Moussa:"Medicinal. Industrial. Or just understanding how life propagates."
    "We work purely on non-military applications, it's part of our charter."