Starfield:Renee's Journal

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Renee's Journal
Editor ID CY_ReneeShelbyTerminal
Location Luxe Condominiums (map)

Renee's Journal is Renee Shelby's computer.


Renee's Journal
Vacation Today, I asked Mom if we could go visit another planet sometime soon, but she said we couldn't because she and Dad have to work. They always have to work, and it sucks. I really want to go somewhere else, because Cydonia is soooo boring sometimes. I like playing with Taye, but there's nowhere to go. It's always here, or his place, and there's nowhere to run around and play. They always say we can't run around the plaza because we could fall off the side, but we don't even go near the sides. Boo.
Gross Dad tried to make dinner earlier, but he tried using this new protein and it was NOT good. Mom was able to fix it, but only a little bit. It still wasnt very good, and I asked both Mom and Dad not to make it again.
Taye's Mom This morning, I went to go play with Taye, but he said he couldn't play because his Mom was feeling really sad, so he wanted to spend time with her. I wish I could do something to help her. I tried making her a funny drawing, and she said she liked it, and it made her smile, but then she was still sad the next day. I don't know what to do, because not only do I want to play with Taye, it makes me sad when someone else is sad.
Space Frog So, I thought of another idea for Space Frog! One day, the people of a small town on a new planet start getting sick, and no one knows why. But then, Space Frog comes down to visit and notices all the sick people. He asks them what's going on, and they tell him that they're all getting sick for some reason, so Space Frog goes to investigate! He finds out that someone has poisoned the well! I'm still not sure who, yet, I might need to make up a bad guy. Space Frog doesn't really have any enemies, because he doesn't really fight anyone, but maybe this time he could have one, and he can solve it by talking to them.
Pictures! People are feeling mopey again. I think it's time to put up more pictures to make people happy, but Mom says I can't go out unless she and Dad are home, but they're always working, and when they're not, it's always time for something else, like dinner, or homework, or whatever. I came up with a new drawing of Space Frog that I think people will really like, too.

I don't know what to do.