Starfield:Personal Computer: Hadrian Sanon
Personal Computer: Hadrian Sanon | |
Editor ID | UC_RHQ_HadrianTerminal |
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Personal Computer: Hadrian Sanon | |
Incident Reports | (Go to Incident Reports |
Heatleeches: Growth Analysis (Heatleeches) | Heatleeches. If the Settled Systems had a "most annoying" award, they'd be the champ, a hundred years running. Would you suspect an irritating worm could transform into something with the mass of a backhoe? It's no surprise generations of scientists whiffed on this. But now, knowing what I'm looking for, it's so damn obvious.
The key to their explosive growth: skein cells. Tightly wound bundles of tissue, able to expand explosively at a moment's notice. Plenty of creatures have evolved them independently over the millennia. Hell, Old Earth even had species that utilized them when they were in danger. But the tricks of those species - instantly creating a cloud of slime that's 10000 times bigger than it was a second ago to evade a predator - isn't nearly the same as birthing a whole new creature right before your eyes. At least, not at first glance. This is where Heatleeches go from pest to perhaps the most interesting creature in the damn galaxy. In all previously documented cases, the skein cells present in a given species were specialized, usually reserved to one, maybe two particular uses inside the body. But in Heatleeches, they're everywhere. In a couple of the older leech specimens we dissected, every muscle fiber, bone, and nerve was packed with densely wrapped versions of themselves. Under the right circumstances - like the end of a 70-year gestational period, or a shower of Lazarus pollen - the skeins are unleashed, turning little muscles, bones, organs, and nerves into much larger muscles, bones, organs, and nerves, and transforming an otherwise obsequious pile of slithering meat into a walking tank. This explains their long (standard) gestation cycle. Why it takes near-on a century for them to show on a colonized world. Building up that many little spring-loaded cells takes time and lots of energy. And while we're still decoding the specific mechanisms that do all that hard labor of winding up millions upon millions of skein cells over generations, what we do know is that Lazarus pollen acts as a catalyst for the winding process, launching it into hyperdrive. But with or without Lazarus pollen to speed up its arrival, the final transformation appears to always be the same - rapid and violent. This also seems to hint at why Terrormorphs look so... unwell. People had always noted that they looked raw. More organs on the outside of the body than the inside. My guess is that this is because their formation requires them to be partially broken down (pretty standard for all natural metamorphoses) and then effectively RIPPED OPEN BY THEIR OWN CELLS as the skeins release. Human adolescence isn't fun, but Heatleech adolescence is something else entirely. The skein cells, though, they aren't even the most amazing part of the sequence - it's the reassembly. Exceptions abound, but, in general, your average metamorphosis in nature takes from a couple weeks to a couple months. Cells of the nymph get broken down and repurposed to leisurely become a fully formed adult. But as we now know, the Heatleech completes this exact same process at the drop of a hat. Every cell and protein knows exactly where to go and the propulsion provided by the skein cells lets them get there at breakneck speed. Imagine a skin graft that could grow and direct itself to damaged tissue in a matter of seconds. Imagine a human body that could clot and heal over a wound mere moments after the damage was dealt. First aid, trauma care, accidental death? Things of the past. If we could harness this behavior, these little creatures could change human life forever. But still... can't help getting excited about the possibilities. |
Facility Emergency Procedures | ___________________________ For the eyes of the Terrormorph Management Division directors only. Active Directions: >> Sanon, Hadrian {Maj.} >> Walker, Percival {Dr.} ___________________________ It is the responsibility of the facility directors to familiarize themselves with the varying levels of emergency procedures, should the unthinkable ever occur. Should you find yourself unable to perform the duties of required of director, please report immediately to your supervisor for replacement, EMERGENCY LEVEL IV: Minor Emergency Response EMERGENCY LEVEL III: Moderate Emergency Response EMERGENCY LEVEL II: Major Emergency Response EMERGENCY LEVEL I: Catastrophic Emergency Response |
TBD - Personal Logs | Place to gather your thoughts when you've actually got time to gather your thoughts.
See you again in 2430, I guess. One quick one - the past is past. Do not let it slow you down, Hadrian. Because right now, there's work to be done. |
Incident Reports | |
INCIDENT REPORT: 613-81-P | ___________________________ >> Reporting Party: Guillaume, Gregoire {Dr.} >> Category: Personnel concern, Class IV Emergency (Minor) ___________________________ Description After the second (documented) sample contamination, Dr. Walker set fire to the personal effects of Dr. Guillaume, causing a small, class one fire and triggering the sprinkler system to engage and required a temporary evacuation of the research wing. ___________________________ |
INCIDENT REPORT: 470-00-P | ___________________________ >> Reporting Party: Bellamy, Jane >> Category: Personnel concern ___________________________ Description While at the Broken Spear bar, she was approached by Lance Corporal William Cyrus, a member of the TMD's marine detachment. The two began fraternizing. The first of several fraternizations, apparently. However, upon discovering Mr. Cyrus was married, Ms. Bellamy requested a transfer. Mr. Cyrus, however, without telling Ms. Bellamy, decided he'd rather leave his wife for Ms. Bellamy, proposing - in the middle of the work day - to her. She said "no" and reemphasized her desire for transfer to her superiors. Notation: I am suddenly reminded why I prefer to work with animals. |
INCIDENT REPORT: 009-155-X | ___________________________ >> Reporting Party: [REDACTED] >> Category: Unauthorized human/xenological lifeform interaction ___________________________ Description (NOTE: This was the first error. Employee sleep patterns will need to be more closely monitored going forward and regular leave required, not offered.) On the night of the incident, [REDACTED] asked their direct supervisor if he could take a sample from specimen M4. Authorization was granted and [REDACTED] proceeded to M4's cage. (NOTE: Second error. Access to cages need to be multi-step authorization, not something a lone supervisor can decide.) Upon reaching M4's cage, however, rather than properly subduing the specimen, [REDACTED] simply unlocked the cage, allowing M4 to exit. M4 walked past [REDACTED] without harming him, but, upon further progress, the biological alarm systems engaged as expected and M4 was immediately disposed of by the Marine contingent on duty. No casualties occurred (and we got very lucky). [REDACTED] was found unconscious outside the cage door, checked for injury, and placed under arrest. ___________________________ Notation: Terrormorph influence is an explicit, short-term affliction, not something that could allow for a multi-step plan like this. And everyone in this facility is tested for susceptibility to Terrormorph attacks. You don't get in the door if you might turn. Which means that either: A. Due to stress and lack of sleep, [REDACTED] simply made an error when trying to collect a sample. B. Terrormorphs are capable of far more insidious and complex influence than anyone thought possible. Occum's Razor - the simplest explanation is usually the correct one - says it has to be the lack of sleep... but the Terrormorph didn't maul him when it got out. There wasn't a scratch on the man. Terrormorphs usually only save that kind of reverence for each other and those creatures under their sway. Regardless of explicit mental domination or not, some sort of a relationship was formed here. We'll be doing some additional investigation to see if we can't figure out what that was. Regardless, we're putting in the above-noted safety measures so nothing like this happens again. |