Starfield:Patient Records

Patient Records
Editor ID RI06_SeanTerminal
Location SF-mapicon-Science Lab.svg The Clinic (map), in the secure wing. Only accessible during The Key Ingredient.
Related Quest SF-qico-Ryujin Industries.svgThe Key Ingredient: Recover a missing shipment and uncover Infinity LTD's plan.

Patient Records is the patient records of patients who volunteered for Infinity LTD's testing of the Internal Neuroamp for Project Dominion.


Patient Log: A-10
Name: Kai Porter
Age: 23

Version Implanted: v3.5
Experimental Alloy: Titanium Grade 128

Post Surgery: Day 1 Surgery was a success. Vitals are good. A-10 only complained about the food, so we ran some extra tests on taste and smell to be safe. Results came back normal. I can't blame him. The food here is lackluster.

Incision seals are holding. Hoping the next few observations days are nice and quiet.

Post Surgery: Day 3 Vitals are still holding with no sign of rejection. A-10 behavior appears completely normal.
Post Surgery: Day 5 First day of testing. A-10 was able to influence Subject B-1 to sit in a chair and pick up a slate. B-1 reported disorientation and confusion that lasted for the duration of the test and approximately fifteen minutes later. Vitals and cognition testing were all normal.

A-10 reported a severe headache, specifically where the neuroamp is implanted. Started A-10 on standard pain management regimen.

UPDATE: Upping pain management to include stronger anti-inflammatory medication. Scans indicated swelling at the neuroamp location.

Post Surgery: Day 6 Detected brain hemorrhaging in early morning scans, and Dr. Lane performed emergency surgery to remove the neuroamp. A-10 is currently in a coma and has been placed in a med pod for monitoring and basic life support.
Post Surgery: Day 7 Brain swelling has gone down, but there is significant scarring. A-10's overall condition hasn't worsened. If he does wake up, Dr. Lane estimates an 85% chance of permanent damage.