Starfield:Logistics Office Computer (Office 2)

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Logistics Office Computer
Editor ID LC043_SY02_EmployeeOfficeTerminal02
Location SF-mapicon-Staryard.svg SY-920 (map)
Related Quest SF-qico-Crimson Fleet.svgThe Best There Is: Steal the prototype ComSpike from a classified UC research station.

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Logistics Office Computer
Top Secret Projects Whatever projects are being worked on here must be incredibly important. Keycards at every elevator, checkpoints on every floor.

The COs don't tell us anything except when to eat, patrol, and sleep. Fine by me. The less I know, the fewer secrets I have to keep.

Ensign Palavi What is Ensign Palavi doing that requires him to type ALL day?

The worst part is he has one of those annoying, one finger typing techniques that is the equivalent of paint drying in zero gravity.

Is he writing a novel? Because no single military report requires that much typing. He's made it so I can't even think, because all I do is rage.

Well, two can play at that game. I'm just going to type loudly and self-importantly until he can no longer keep the chapters in his story straight.

No great fiction will be written by your hand tonight, Ensign Palavi. Not if I can help it.