Starfield:Justus Qvist's Slate

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ID 00369D13
Editor ID SE_KT12_CorrosiveGasFleetAttack_JustusQvist
Value 0 Weight 0
Type Note
Found in the following locations:

SF-mapicon-Derelict Ship.svg Derelict Asp's Bite (random)

Justus Qvist's Slate

There's an old Swedish proverb which says luck never gives; it only lends.

So when I drew straws with Gutierrez over who was going to do fix the exterior, I wouldn't say I was given a break. I was just lent a little more time.

Besides, Gutierrez was the better choice. He's always been the brave one. He tried to fight the Fleet when they boarded, and lost a tooth in the scuffle. Me, I hid in a corner. I've got a mouth full of teeth and all they do is chatter.

When the vote came over whether to consume the body, I cast my vote in favor. We needed the energy, and here was our lucky break. But while I felt good at first, I couldn't keep any of the meat down.

Gutierrez told me I was lucky, and at the time, I agreed. But I was only borrowing it you see, it was never mine to keep.