Starfield:Freestar Rangers Computer (Helga)
Freestar Rangers Computer | |
Editor ID | TheRock_HelgaTerminalFurniture |
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Freestar Ranger Terminal | |
Freestar Ranger Terminal | (Go to Recent Messages |
Freestar Ranger Terminal | (Go to Personal Journal |
Recent Messages | |
Latest test results | To: Helga Dubray From: Mary Cartwright Subject: Latest test results Helga, Some good news and some you won't like, but I want to focus on the good. You're making great progress in your recovery. In fact, you're ahead of schedule. Whatever you're doing, keep it up! Unfortunately, I'm still not ready to approve you for a return to field duty. I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but there's still the risk of a setback or complication, and I want to be on hand in the event something comes up. Just stay the course and be patient. All signs point to you being back in the field sooner rather than later. |
New syndicate in play? | To: All Rangers Subject: New syndicate in play? From: Daniel Blake I want you all to keep your eyes and ears open. I've been going over reports from local security both here and in Neon, and there's a disturbing trend. Seems like smuggling is on the rise in a big way, and there's more than one faction involved. Seems like we might have a new player looking to move in. We can probably expect to see some inter-faction conflict that could spill over and put innocent lives at risk. If you learn anything that could be useful, let me know right away. Autumn's already looking into it, but leads are scarce so far. |
Get well soon | To: Helga Dubray From: Diego Monroe Subject: Get well soon Heard you're finally up and about. Like they say, any landing you can walk away from, right? You take it easy. I know this recovery is going to drive you crazy. If you need to blow off some steam, I'm here. We can do a little Ashta target practice on the wall if you want. Or just grab a beer and talk about the Marshal behind his back. Whatever it takes. Get well soon, hermanita. |
Another false alarm | To: All Rangers From: Emma Wilcox Subject: Another false alarm Just so you all know, that report we got about the farm on Polvo turned out to be another false alarm. Local security says they headed out to take a look, and the man they talked to said nothing was wrong. Funny thing is, the original call came in from a woman and when security asked to talk to her, the man who they'd met said she went off-world to visit family. Normally I wouldn't think twice about it, but I'd read a similar report only a month earlier, where the call had come in from an elderly man, only local security didn't see anyone that old, and when they asked they were told he'd gone on a vacation. Could be nothing, I know, but if anyone hears about trouble on a farm, let me know. Couldn't hurt to check it out. |
Good news | To: All Rangers From: Emma Wilcox Subject: Good news For those who haven't heard, we got some good news. The doc has approved Helga for limited duty on-site here at the Rock. With some luck, she'll be back in the field in a few weeks, but we want to take things slow and take all the necessary precautions. In the meantime, let's all give her some encouragement and support. No Ranger wants to be stuck indoors while there are people out there who need our help, but sometimes that's the way it's got to be. I know you'll all be there for her while she heals up. |
Recruiting reminder | To: All Rangers From: Daniel Blake Subject: Recruiting I know you've all heard me say it before, but the Council would really like to see us bolster our ranks, so here's my obligatory reminder to keep a look out for anyone you think might be Ranger material. There's fewer of us now than there have been since I joined up, and I don't have to tell you all that was a long damn time ago. Fact is, the Freestar Collective ain't exactly getting safer by the day. There's always been more trouble than there's been Rangers to handle it, but that's more true now that it ever has been. We need more help, and we need it soon. |
Personal Journal | |
Grounded | May 6th, 2330
Serves me right for getting my hopes up. I was all set to get back to work, and the doc says she won't approve me for field duty. I feel fine! I'm not even sore anymore, and my breathing's more than good enough to work. Hell, the job's mostly just flying from place to place and talking to people. It's bad enough I was laid up in bed for so long. I guess the wait is always worst right at the end. Whatever it is, I'm totally stir crazy here. Poor doc, I'm probably driving her crazy. Just need to hold it together a little longer. |
Cupid's got nothing on me | May 4th, 2330
Can't stop smiling today. Why, you ask? (Of course, I realize I'm basically talking to myself here, but I've earned a little gloating.) Because Leah agreed to go on a date with Alex! Yes, my months-long project has finally come to fruition, and love is surely in the air. If this works out, I think I'll ask them to name one of their inevitable kids after me. Well, maybe not if it's a boy. Maybe then it'd have to be a similar name, like... Helgo or Helborg. On second thought, no, those are terrible. |
Gratitude | April 20th, 2330
There are moments in your life that make you stop and really think about what you've got. For me, one of those moment came about three seconds before my crash-landing. I didn't know if I'd survive. It really felt like a 50-50 shot. What I remember the most about that moment is just an overwhelming feeling of gratitude, for this job, for the other Rangers, and for every inch of this big, ugly, smelly, wonderful town I call home. Note to self - never, ever lose that feeling of gratitude. In fact, that's my new life goal - die smiling. |