Starfield:Engineering Lab Computer (Lab 5)

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Engineering Lab Computer
Editor ID LC043_SY03_LabTerminal05
Location SF-mapicon-Staryard.svg SY-920 (map)
Related Quest SF-qico-Crimson Fleet.svgThe Best There Is: Steal the prototype ComSpike from a classified UC research station.

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Dr. Erin Kang's Computer
Safety of our Test Pilots From: Commander Natara
Subject: Safety of our Test Pilots
Date: 04/27/2330

Dr. Kang,
MAST has indicated that the recent loss of test pilots is in no way a concern going forward for both Project ComSpike and Archangel. They're committed to giving us their best, although it's likely given the accident, pilots will be transferred back to SysDef as part of the reshuffling of departments.

That being said, the origin of the mechanical failures should have been caught much earlier, especially considering the very LARGE amount of credits budgeted for safety. I realize all of this was greenlit by my predecessor, but the fact that it occurred across multiple cycles and two separate projects is unacceptable.

Budget Cuts From: Commander Natara
Subject: Budget Cuts
Date: 04/28/2330

Once more, I am sending a reminder to all departments that we are doing extensive budget cuts as part of the internal audit into Commander Woods' tenure here. Most existing projects will be allowed to continue provided a realistic roadmap to completion has been submitted.

Going forward, all new projects will have much stricter requirements for approval. A checklist for meeting this criteria will be supplied as part of your weekly briefings.

Fwd - Draft Letter to Commander Natara From: Dr. Marcin Eubanks
Subject: Fwd - Draft Letter to Commander Natara
Date: 04/29/2330

Here's my draft to Commander Natara regarding the budget cut message she sent out to everyone. Let me know what you think!

>>>Commander Natara,
I understand that some budget cuts are necessary, but I'm worried about certain benefits the team and I were used to receiving from Commander Woods, and I would rather not discuss it on the record. Besides, things are communicated better in person, and I would rather not hear your message through the computer like some ventriloquist's trick.

I am not saying things need to go back to how they were. But I think myself and my colleagues have earned something beyond the meager salary MAST has so generously provided. That's all I'm asking here -- compensation requisite to the work we do -- and I don't think that's asking for much. If you'd speak to us human being to human being rather than as a mouthpiece for MAST, maybe we can come to an accord.

Did you read my draft? From: Dr. Marcin Eubanks
Subject: Did you read my draft?
Date: 04/29/2330

I sent you a draft of my letter to Commander Natara on behalf of the engineering team. What do you think? Too revealing? Too harsh? I did avoid calling her a "dummy" and changed the line to say "mouthpiece."

To be honest I was banking on the benefits from the various projects Commander Woods had us set up. I've got a mortgage back in New Atlantis and a kid on the way. And of course Dr. Vogel is no help. I don't think he even realizes Project ComSpike started out as another bullshit proposal we made up to fatten our pockets.

It does help that the ComSpike project is near completion. Whenever Commander Natara questions one of the projects greenlit by the previous command, we can always point to that as a success. Let's just ignore the inordinate amount of creds put into the safety budget, and the procession of dead pilots that make everyone doubt the number on the page.