Starfield:EARS Remote Turret Control

EARS Remote Turret Control
Editor ID SE_KT10_TurretAttack_Terminal
Location SF-mapicon-Derelict Ship.svg Derelict Privateer (random)

EARS Remote Turret Control is the, nonfunctional, control system for the ship's prototype voice-activated turret system.


EARS Remote Turret Control
Turret Control Interface
E.A.R.S. Earlink Aural Recognition Software, or EARS, is a network of turrets that can be directed through voice commands. Each turret has a set of cybernetic "ears" that are linked together and can identify voices of the crew.

In situations where manually using a terminal is impossible, being able to activate, deactivate, and update targeting systems vocally can provide added security to a spaceship.

Vocal Registration Error. Cannot register new voices.

Please contact customer support and notify them of the issue.

Activate Turret(s) Request denied. This function has been deprecated.

Please use the EARS system to activate your turrets.

Deactivate Turret(s) Request denied. This function has been deprecated.

Please use the EARS system to deactivate your turrets.

Update Friend/Foe settings Request denied. This function has been deprecated.

Please use the EARS system to adjust your target settings.